Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 169: BIRD ART. Японская ваза - Japanese vase

in Feathered Friends9 months ago
Всем привет! Hello everyone!
В ноябре 2018 года побывала в новом для меня выставочном центре Центр искусств Москва. Находится около Храма Христа Спасителя. Его экспозиции формируются из частных коллекций. Так что для большинства – это единственная возможность увидеть эти произведения. In November 2018, I visited a new for me exhibition center Art Center Moscow. Located near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. His expositions are formed from private collections. So for the majority - this is the only opportunity to see these works.
Среди ряда других там была небольшая выставка, посвященная году Японии «Красота по-японски». Among a number of others there was a small exhibition dedicated to the year of Japan "Beauty in Japanese."
Рассматривать представленное там декоративно-прикладное японское искусство периода мэйдзи (конец 19 – начало 20 веков) очень интересно. It is very interesting to look at the decorative and applied Japanese art of the Meiji period (late 19th - early 20th centuries) presented there.
К теме конкурса идеально подходит большая бронзовая ваза периода мэйдзи. A large bronze vase from the Meiji period fits perfectly with the theme of the competition.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

На вазе с удивительным реализмом изображены объемные птицы. Мне трудно идентифицировать, какие именно это птицы. Судя по всему, они полевые, так как три птички прячутся в небольшом стоге соломы. The vase depicts three-dimensional birds with amazing realism. I'm having a hard time identifying which birds these are. Apparently they are field birds, as three birds are hiding in a small stack of straw.
Я предполагаю, что в соломе сидят подросшие птенцы, а сверху к ним летят их родители. I assume that the grown chicks are sitting in the straw, and their parents are flying from above.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

Вот поближе одна из летящих птиц. Here's a closer look at one of the flying birds.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

У летящих птиц очень озабоченные лица. Хотя, их можно трактовать и как суровые или даже злые. Возникает и другое предположение: может быть, птицы в траве прячутся от нападающих? Как думаете? Flying birds have very worried faces. Although, they can also be interpreted as harsh or even evil. Another assumption arises: maybe the birds are hiding in the grass from attackers? What do you think?

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

Птицы отлично выполнены как отдельные скульптуры и прикреплены к вазе. Их можно рассмотреть с разных сторон. The birds are beautifully executed as individual sculptures and attached to the vase. They can be viewed from different angles.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

Эту фотографию я представляю на конкурс Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 169: BIRD ART от @nelinoeva This is my entry to contest Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 169: BIRD ART hosted by @nelinoeva

Camera Sony RX-100.

300 (7).png


Good morning dear friend @eto-ka
This has been a beautiful discovery, how great that you visited the exhibition center and saw this beautiful vase, the three-dimensional birds are beautiful

Thank you!

I love this beautiful vase, and what beautiful birds there are there.
Beautiful what you found @eto-ka
Your photographs are beautiful

Thank you!

This is incredible, so detailed and so well made. I would like to think that this is a family of birds, but maybe it is made open to interpretation. In any case, it is impressive how good the artist was. Wonderful images and great choice for entry. 🙂

Thank you!

Stunning work in bronze detail appears to possibly be small Finch or Mannikins bird, old world bird books you may find detail.

Workmanship is so impressive considering the age of the jar.


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Thank you!
Yes, in shape these could be the birds you named. Interesting.

Charming how the designer raised them up to look lifelike.

@eto-ka that vase struck me as a true work of art. I think the flying birds were upset because they were encroaching on the place for their nest. They are very jealous 😃

Thank you! You suggested an interesting version of the plot. Perhaps it is.