Hello loh, so in line with the discuss for the week, this is my own view patterning the question that was thrown to the house.
every long lasting love requires a conscious decision making. Love should not be driven by hormones alone but strategic decisions . lt is not something I or anyone else should toil with like it's a game as It concerns matters of the heart that needs proper care/attention else when shattered, it tends to affect it victims both physically, emotional and mentally.
there are many things for me to consider before taking any step as to whom to love and I will say as a person you must first discover who you are, it also implies knowing your purpose. The person I marry will be the most important decision of my life. It should be someone who is willing to share purpose and life with me no matter the odds that will surface. Many of us don't give attention to this as it is one of the most important factor to consider before taking any life decision.
Secondly before taking any decision, I'll ensure I get to know my partner better. I think this is where we the young ones are getting it all wrong in our despensation. our inability to know our spouse better has cost many a fortune, Mind you it's almost impossible to know a person at a spot but it's possible if only you give the relationship time. Time like we know is the revealer of hidden things. Some realities of the spouse begins to unfold like his character, capabilities, know if we are compatible or not. With time as well, there would be warning signals if his not Mr right. So knowing your spouse helps saves stitch in time.
Finally for every decision I take it should be for the future cause I desire a home filled with love, peace and unity. for every steps taken now will either birth a happy home or a miserable and a broken home years to come. Nobody prays to come from a broken home or raise kids in families that lack peace 🕊️ that is why decisions should be done deliberately and not in a haste.
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Thanks for your time, love you all 💞.