in Olio di Balena2 months ago

Image By Grok-X AI

Hello Everyone

Welcome to my #saturdaysavers post, and this is the first one in 2025. This is my saving update post which I make as a participation in #saturdaysavers club. Yep, all of us there share our saving update weekly, it's part of good habit (or maybe a bit cultist?) we want to share and engage to others here.

Because this is the opening Saturday Savers post for 2025, I would like to share this to you guys

This is my HIVE 2024 recap card, you can get your own here :

As you can see above, I have made 1.727 Power Up and 180 Staking $HBD. Claimed Hive Power (HP) are something we get from our activity, so I would not take that as something that directly SAVING. So for this year, I will have $HBD as my main saving and HIVE POWER (HP) as my secondary saving.

From that card we can learn too that last year I was active on FreeCompliments community. This year I see mostlikely there won't be any change on those communities. I like beeing in FreeCompliments, and I am very happy FreeCompliments decides to go on... not retiring from HIVE.

For the second one, SATU JIWA is a regional community for people who use BAHASA INDONESIA and I am helping people from Indonesia to find their place on HIVE. It is like our Muster Point, where people come and gather if they feel they get lost on HIVE. It is a place for retaining users, guiding users back to the right way.

New Format

For 2025 I will use new format, new table and new everything, unline in 2024. The biggest change I will make here is that I am removing all the detail. I will talk global only or the outline.

There are many pros and cons about it but I will stand on one of the most important thing about Saturday Savers club activity, it's about endorsing a good habit of saving. We want to have as many people embrace that approach, trying to be better at their financial management which ultimately they will make good savings.

So In order to get a broader reach of users, I like to have my update as simple as possible, which is easy to digest, easy to duplicate and everyone can do it. I don't know if this format is better or not, please leave your comments below ok.


My primary goal is to grow my $HBD Saving. This is exciting because one way it is very easy and another way it is very difficult because HBD savings would be dynamic... Sometime I add big savings, and sometime I will take out to pay some expense.Hive Power as good as possible.

A goal should be measureable, right? My Primary Goal for 2025 is to get 5.000 $HBD Saving. A Very ambitious target which I even believe myself I might not reach number. Let's do the saving now!!

ok this is my update. I have 0 $HBD saving in the first week. Wait... this is funny, I did save up 180 $HBD last year, where did they go?


Actually I have withdrawn them all with some additional from selling Layer 2 hive engine token. I have taken some profit, right? I should be happy with the money, right? Well actually I am not happy about it.

I have a partner who had got some misfortune, and he could not pay for his son medical treatment. He needed to get a surgery and I had a couple of clients who postponed their payments. Literally we had no cash. Well I could eat, he could eat, however medical surgery needs cash.

Anyway we live in Indonesia so don't expect insurance will cover all. We do have insurance which cover big expense of medical operation, however most of them only for sickness, not from accidents.

So let's hope everything get settled soon, and then I could get back adding some $HBD savings. I expect until mid February my $HBD saving won't grow at all.


Hive Power (HP) is very important for all Hivers who plan to stay long on this blockchain. I like being here, and I have no plan to retire in this year. So for 2025, my goal is to have 13.500 Hive Power (HP). It's not a big target, because Hive Power is not my priority however I want to make as many people realize that it is important to cultivate your Hive Power.

Above is my Hive Power a couple days ago. I do not write this post exactly on Saturdays due to being busy. So I took that screenshot for today reference. And here is my saving update for Hive Power:

I need to get around 3.250 HIVE POWER within the next 51 weeks ahead. This is feasible and I think I could reach this one although in general this won't be as easy as it looked. In other words, I can say that my target is about less than 65 HIVE POWER per week, which should not be an easy task for any HIVIANS or HIVERS. Unless if they are in top author rewards.


In the past, I share a detailed table here. those tables were easy to be read and people would know how my progresses were. However for this year, I would not share any table for other targets.

The reason is simple and I have said it above, it is not easy to make table and trace all your savings there. I do not want to have people not joining #saturdaysavers because they think they will be demanded to make a detailed report of their savings.

I am a spreadsheet guy, I like table and I like numbers however I realize some of us here are the opposite of me. So here I choose this practical approach. I will only share related topic for the week.

Next week I will share about Leo Power, because we will have LEO POWER UP DAY soon.

Ok that's my post for this week. Happy Saving guys!


Saturday Savers Club is for anyone who wants to make some saving in any currency for any purpose. The Club is a supportive group of people who every week making some post about our saving plan and update. Some even share tips and techniques or maybe sharing their fun in the process.

For further information and if you want to join into this club, you can do your own research on @eddie-earner. We are waiting for any of you out there to make this club bigger and more exciting.

See you next Saturday...

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


or maybe a bit cultist?


Hope your partner's son is okay.

I only pay partial, and it's a small amount. at least we managed to have the hospital continued operation and treatment for him.

Good to hear.

 11 days ago Reveal Comment