Disney World, 1985

in #disneylast month

It's funny how an old photo with really not much of significance in it can hold a key to so many memories.

This photo was taken at Disney World in May of 1985. This was not long before my 10th birthday. It was the first time I had gone to Disney World (and boy was it cheaper then). I remember being pretty amazed by the scale of the place and I absolutely loved Space Mountain.

This particular photo was taken during one of the parades they have daily. They still sell a Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream like you see one of the kids in the photo holding though now they are completely covered in chocolate...or at least that's how they were the last time I was there 6 years ago or so. You can't see me very well but I'm the boy wearing the white hat.

This was part of a larger week long vacation my family took. We visited Kennedy Space Center, Cocoa Beach, Disney World (Magic Kingdom), Epcot and Key West. There may have been other stops along the way but those are the ones I remember...and the ones we have a few photos of. It wasn't like it is now where you could take hundreds of pictures and videos with a device in your pocket. If you were lucky you had a film camera and a couple of rolls of film that would give you 24 shots (give or take) each.

It was a memorable time. We saw a rocket carrying a weather satellite blow up during launch (it was the first launch after the Challenger disaster), visited the Disney parks (there were only two then), and made it to the southern most point in the U.S. There was a lot of beach time, pool time, and sunburns too. One of the clear memories I have is of watching The Dark Crystal on HBO in the hotel room after a day swimming at the beach and pool.

This photo is just one tiny snapshot in time of that week long adventure.


Wow the photo is really nice to be honest