Cover of the April 1998 issue of MacAddict
I was never really a Mac person but if I had been, this is the magazine I would have read. It reminds me of boot/Maximum PC on the PC side. Also, Macs make great retro machines offering the most accessible architecture alternative to x86 with their 68000 and later PowerPC processors. The April 1998 issue of MacAddict includes:
- The Microsoft Office Makeover - A look at Microsoft 98 which was a major update to the suite for the Macintosh platform.
- When Worlds Kaleidoscope - a guide to Kaleidoscope, a utility that let you customize the Mac OS desktop in a variety of ways.

Table of Contents from the April 1998 issue of MacAddict
How To
- Publicize Your Web Site - Using bots to help publicize your web site. These days you just have to obey the Google gods of SEO.
- Know It All About Type and Creator Codes - Type and creator codes are specific file properties used on the Mac that responsible for determining things like default applications, icons, etc.

Table of Contents from the April 1998 issue of MacAddict (continued)
Every Month
- Editor's Note - An introduction to a new editor and changes to the magazine.
- Letters - Letters from readers about the "It's a Wonderful Mac" movie included with a previous issue (on disc), Apple decor, and more.
- Get Info - A look at Apple's finances, Rhapsody applications, recent 3D graphics and animations packages (some of which are ports from the Amiga) such as Lightwave 3D, Cinema XL, and others.
- Cravings - A look at new gadgets (software and hardware) including the bluVenom anti-theft device, Orb 2.1 GB disk system, TK11 145 piece Deluxe Tool Kit from Curtis, Surf Express web caching software, Ray Gun audio editor, and more.

Back Cover of the April 1998 issue of MacAddict
Read more: https://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2024/09/29/macaddict-april-1998/
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Books I am reading or have recently read:
Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
Tom Clancy's Op-Center: God of War by Jeff Rovin
Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch
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