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RE: The Age of Abundance, Technology, And JP Morgan

in LeoFinance7 months ago

The thing is that we all have the same tools to connect each other. The globalization indeed is an advantage, but the way of reaching and climbing in a way to become massive organically is pretty hard. In order to grow and advertise the only way is trough paid campaigns (of course im talking only about big tech)

But i see the system as a fixed game. The construction on the fake reality we live is not something that happens by chance. There is an information war out there, proof is for example China trying to show itself as a heaven claiming that the US and EU are hell. The counterparty paid other content creators to curse China. The truth? Well... So many information and to reach the true you just have to dig a lot, and i mean a loooot until you reach the most close version of the true. Its ussually some middle ground, USA is not a Zombie phentanil adict country and China is not a labour camp neither.

Big banks and investment funds buy news channels, newspapers and radio stations not for fun but because they are still working. Maybe you are just in a waiting room in the dentist while you just watch the TV, you walk around in the city and watch the newspapers exhibited on the posts, scrolling on social media or youtube. And then in real life. When you talk to people you also receive the same version of the story you didnt want to hear.

They attack the data. Because there is absolutely no way to reach solutions without information. When they polute the data it doesnt matter how smart you are, you will never reach the truth.