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RE: Millipede - Monomad challenge

in Black And White7 months ago

Awesome shots man! It’s funny I actually saw one of my first millipedes in real life just the other day! We were at a park and I had no idea they would live in that region but sure enough one of the critters crawled across the table I was sitting at and we enjoyed him for a little bit before we picked him up and put him in the grass where he was unlikely to get squished but would also have a much better chance at getting food, which is what your fella seems to be looking for!

Convenient that you were getting your photo setup configured and he wanted to help you test it :D


that is a very nice coincidence my friend, with your first real life finding and also with my post. nice also that you picked it up and put it in a safer place, because some people will just smack this little guy because as they are afraid of the scary-looking body.

Convenient that you were getting your photo setup configured and he wanted to help you test it :D

it came at the right time.