I Can Be Wicked Sometimes. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 338

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago

Wickedness is not what one expects from someone who is a close friend. Wickedness is only attributed to the wicked. The wicked is one who thinks and carries out act of wickedness. Acts of wickedness are actions and attitudes which are detrimental and harmful to fellow humans.

It is quite surprising how we could have a blend of the good and the bad. Just as there is a blend of several colors in my shadow image, many of us have a blend of goodness and evil. The table in the room where I captured the shadows has several things on it. There are those which are appealing to the eye as well as those which are offensive. Some of the colors cause color riot when viewed from the perspective of those who are designers.

I remember a church elder who once uttered these words: I can be very wicked sometimes. Those were horrible words to come out of the mouth of a Christian Church leader. He didn't even say “I can be wicked”, he said “I can be very wicked.”

I learnt from the incident that people have different contents inside of them. They blend everything together in their personality. Those you expect should be good can be terribly wicked inside. The true contents in people are seen when they are hit by the storm of life.

We are taught to cultivate good habits. This cultivation will make us eliminate the unfriendly characters and bring in the desired ones. There is no use being recognized as the bad egg in the community. Let us eliminate the wicked contents and nurture the good attributes in us. Have a nice day and be good today.


Great shadow photos!


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