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RE: #Wednesday Walk - Enjoying Santas on Harleys!

in Wednesday Walklast year

Oh my, this is so cool! 😍 I'd be out on the road shouting and cheering! In my countryside, it is rare to see these big bikes, so every time we hear the roaring engine of big bikes we hurriedly go to the street to wait, watch and scream!!! hehe

However, I think if I see Santas riding on Harley, I'd be left speechless and yes take a lot of photos no matter what! hehe

This is awesome sir!


I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed my post so much, @callmesmile😅! Especially when you say that you don't see these big bikes often in your area! Wow, then I'm glad I could share this with you!

Thank you for your great feedback! I really do appreciate it!