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RE: Lean FIRE and The Preparation for The Coming Civil War(s)

I see getting out to a place where you can grow your own food is essential. T.H.E.Y. are going to cut off food, make people eat bugs, etc.

So, to me, getting to a 3rd world country, were you are surrounded by farmers, or get a homestead yourself, is of paramount importance… but when? How long do we have?

Whatever happens this "election" people somewhere are going to be really upset. Upset enough to do something.

The "migrants" get kicked out.
but when?

Will it go back to business as usual after the cleanse?

So much repressed / new science is going to come out. Just read some of my Sunday posts. #wrongscience

Again, when? Freenergy like devices will make homesteading much easier, but when?


Food and water are going to be places where tyrants can truly take over the lives of many of the independent thinkers. People can quit their jobs and find some freelance work. The barrier to farming is a far greater one and not everyone has the ability to own land.

I do have some plants and herbs and I do live in the third world. For a time I have been considering that the 3rd world could eventually be better for freedom and health. Most farmers use pesticides. There are some small scale farmers who take the organic way. I do think it will take a few years before food controls happen. I may have enough time left to first focus on Lean FIRE and then take a look at farming.