Names are pretty powerful things, there are some that make you smile, some that make you feel young again, and others that hurt just coming out of your mouth. Here on HIVE, many of us have multiple names. We might have alt accounts, or the name we use for our main account isn't really our actual name. There are a few exceptions of course.
I get the reasoning for it, sometimes people don't want to get doxxed, other times they just want to be something else. Even outside of HIVE, we might have multiple names. My wife calls me one thing of course, my buddies something else, and the people at work... Well, they probably have some names for me that I can't share here.
I think I'd rather not know about those names!
It's interesting how you often see clumps of people who were born around the same timeframe that have very similar names. Sure, the spelling might be different, but it's pretty easy to spot which names were popular during times like the mid seventies.
Another thing I find interesting is the number of songs that have just a single name as their title. I actually got the inspiration for this weeks #threetunetuesday after listening to a cover of the Hall & Oates song Sara Mile. Obviously, that song title isn't just one word, but it does have a name in it and that is what led me down this path.
Sorry if I mislead you there with the title. If you came here hoping to catch a few verses of this great song by the Ting Tings, then you are going to be sorely disappointed. If you have it stuck in your head now, I apologize. Good luck for the rest of the day!
I've had the distinct pleasure of knowing several girls/women in my life named Sara(h). In case you are wondering, no, that isn't @mrsbozz's real name, I'm going to keep that one secret for this post. Though if you really wanted to find it, I am sure you could. I actually have three people who I have been very close with in my life named Sara or varying spellings of it. One is related, one is a like a sister, and the other was a very close friend I lost not too long ago from a extended battle with a nasty disease.
Oddly enough, as I mentioned in one of the paragraphs above, they were all born right around the same time in the mid to late seventies, so that must have been a popular name back then. It certainly inspired a lot of great music for a time. In addition to Sara Smile, we have the amazing song "Sara" by Fleetwood Mac, if you move forward a little bit, we also have "Sara" by Starship. Plus I am sure countless other songs with that name as a title.
If you have someone special in your life named Sara, you certainly have plenty of material to draw from to make a mixtape.
For me, there is no greater example of a woman's name being the title of a song than the Allman Brothers Band. They not only have one song that fits the bill, they have two (if not more)! It was a tough decision whether I was going to go with Jessica, but I ultimately felt that song was going to be too long and I decided to go with Melissa. It's just an amazing song.
I've always enjoyed the Allman Brother's Band, they have a really good sound and a very amazing catalog of work. It's actually one band that I would still love to see live sometime, even though they might not be quite the same as they were back in the day.
Melissa is probably one of my favorite songs by them and oddly enough, both Melissa and Jessica are names of girls that I grew up with when I was younger and were quite close friends of mine. Chalk another two up for names from the mid to late 70's!
For the last song, I could have went a bunch of different ways. One way I will definitely not go is the song "Beth" by KISS, I honestly hate that song. I also thought about Amanda by Boston, or even better Amanda by Waylon Jennings.
I even thought about going the route of Aime by Pure Prairie League, but ultimately, I decided to leave you with this:
I've actually only ever known one person in my life that I can remember named Veronica. She is a friend of a friend and while I maybe only see her once a year, she is still a pretty cool lady. With that in mind, I decided to share "Veronica" by Elvis Costello for my third song in this #threetunetuesday sponsored by @ablaze.
Elvis Costello is one of those artists that I always forget about. Kind of like The Killers, then I will suddenly hear one of their songs and I will remember just how amazing they are. I was first introduced to Costello via the song "She". Sure, I had probably heard "I Write The Book" given the fact that I grew up in the 80's, but it never really registered with me like "She" did. The song "She" put my radar on high alert. There was something painful and raw about it that just pulls at you.
Trust me fellas, if you are still into making mixtapes for ladies, you have to put "She" on there. "Veronica" on the other hand you might want to leave off. I mean, it's an awesome song, but as you can see from the video, it's a bit sadder. In fact, this song has an interesting dynamic in that it is upbeat, but the topic is actually quite sad. If you watch the video above, follow the direct link and you can see the lyrics.
Just another example of how amazing Elvis Costello is.
That's all I've got for you today. What is your favorite song with a person's name as the title? While I am waiting for your replies, I am going to go listen to some more Ting Ting's...
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