Thoughts And Songs About Life Phases.

in Q Inspired-by-Music4 months ago

I wouldn’t have been awake in the midnight if not for my neighbor who had just given birth and her baby cries every midnight. She has given birth since two months now and every midnight, we hear the loud cry of the baby almost everyday. This has been happening for three weeks now and I’ve gotten used to it to the point that I don’t have to set an alarm to wake up anymore because hearing the cry of that baby is sure and his mother’s apartment is next to mine so I don’t think I can ever escape it.

When the baby begins to cry, I hear his mother’s voice and I could tell that she gets tired of the whole baby drama and sometimes, she lets the baby cry for a short time before she attends to him so that she can have a short sleep before waking up to attend to her child which may result into her not having to sleep anymore.
I started to reason and thought that a young lady like her who was always used to sleeping like a baby without any disturbance has entered another phase of life where she has to always attend to her baby.

Another phase of life will as well come and go. There was even a time when we were younger and our parents had to do everything for us and now, we are older and we have to fight for ourselves so we can become better thing in life. If we take more time, we grow older again and by then, our kids will begin to feed us because we have grown old and can’t do so much all for ourselves so life is about phase. We nove from one phase unto the next one.
I grabbed my earpiece so I can listen to some songs to complement my thought at that moment.

Bob Dylan ~ Like A Rolling Stone

I think it was just time for Bob Dylan to shine because I don’t get to listen to his songs that much but for this song, I’ve been familiar with it for sometime now and this night was the best time to listen to it.
Isn’t life like a rolling stone? It looks like that to me though.
Let’s just assume that life is a stone which rolls from one phase to another. Some phases may be good, interesting and stress free while some may be draining.

I understood the lyrics better this time while listening to it and here it is.

Iggy Pop ~ Lust For Life

This song depicts the phase of adulthood when we have to keep striving everyday as adults and trying to earn a living. And truly, all adults do with their lives is wake up, find how the day will be better, find how to survive and continue that process till you’ve found your ground.

I’m at that phase now and I know how that feels.

Everything in life is from one phase to the other. Live and love your present phase before moving to the next one!


The day that dat baby will surprise you eh, hm! Hehe u better set your alarm o
U have got good Songs here. Loved reading u

Baby that is crying at the moment😅😅