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RE: WEEK 211: Weekend-Engagement topics

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

Ducks care not for weekends!
They just wanna be ducks
Floating aloof in a pond
Flying away
when winter has come.


I met a duck who didn't give a fuck
He stayed in his pond never going beyond
He didn't want to fly there's nothing in the sky
Just float and stay safely on the ground

Just float and stay safely on the ground
such is the fate of many birds
having feathers sometimes isn't enough
to rise to the sky, so they just swoon

There once was a bird named moo moo
He was a fucken big ass emu
He had feathers and wings, and other bits
But couldn't fly which gave him the shits

There once was a duck named Shelly
it ate bread till it had a full belly
her wings were to weak
to carry her fat cheeks
she died soon. She wasn't healthy

Shelly had a friend called Mary
Whose life at the pond was scary
She kept her head down but was killed in a hunt
And Shelly thought oh what a cunt pity

Pitiful indeed are such stories
of ducks and their pond worries
Shelly and Mary are but examples
of poor luck grabbing ankles
and demise becomes a series.

The pond is a dangerous place
Shot, drowned, a slap on the face
With care one can thrive just like on Hive
Enjoy a life feeling much more alive

A life to enjoy in such a place
gives plenty and returns at rates
ever increasing towards a future
soon to come to every user
by Hive's transparent grace