There's always this sort of pure excitement on a kid's face when he/she gets a crayon or an eraser. The shape and the newness of it always calm the heart. That's what trust feels like. When we put our trust in people, we want to tell them things we never told anyone. Our deepest secrets find their way out of our open lips to their already opened ears and... we do this with pure happiness.
Anything that happens at work, the road, or even in the store nearby becomes stamped on our brain, so we would never forget to tell that person those things we saw. Our reality is that we can never trust someone unless we have this sort of loving affection for them. Love comes first, and so does opening up the dam of our hearts because we believe they can keep our secrets.
If walls could talk; Celine Dion.
But, what happens if you make a mistake and that same beautiful eraser mom just got for you was used? Will the eraser still look the same? We both know the answer to this. This goes with when we get our trust broken. Finding the words you said on the lips of another person shatters us into unfitted crumbles.
No matter what reason the person gives on why the words you said to them behind closed doors were heard on the lips of someone outdoors, that trust you've given to them gets shaken. You even feel your heart get shaky and your eyes well up in ways unimaginable. And then, you are left with memories of that broken moment.
The roads you take to work become lonely. Interesting things on your way pass you by like a voiceless wind. You become blind to the gist around you, and you find yourself on the verge of curling into some sort of deep hole. And the deeper you go into that hole, the harder coming out of that hole gets.
You end up not trusting anyone that comes your way because you have trust issues. You become a shadow of yourself because the person that hurt you wasn't a stranger but a close person to you.
But if we are to face reality, whether we like it or not, people will hurt you. Even you as a person have hurt someone unknowingly. That's life. We just have to find those people who are worth that tears rolling from our eyes like a dice on its way to six. Mistakes will be made, and the eraser we cherish so much will be used. We can't help it because we are humans.
However, saying we can't help it, shouldn't mean we shouldn't give it our all, not to hurt others or, most especially, ourselves just to get on the good side of someone else. I believe there are certain things we can help with. Certain obvious mistakes we should try not to make. Saying we aren't perfect doesn't mean there isn't an ounce of perfection in us.
All videos used were gotten from #YouTube.
Still yours truly,
Thanks for reading and listening.
Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.