The Power of Money

in Cent20 days ago

This is my personal view, and you might agree or disagree. This is about the power of money that Elon Musk have, which might make us see hm differently with other people with lesser money. It is also abou this loyalty to his wife and kids, and this purely from what I see on the internet, and the news about it, and also what we might see if it is happening in real life to the peoplw around us.

I mean we all know how rich and powerful Elon Musk is, especially now with his place in the US goverment. Some of use might see him as a hero, or a nobleman, or maybe the man with visionaries. But then what happen to his family life? we all know how many kids he has and how many wife and partner that we know he has. And still, we see it as a better person. and don't forget how his name was dragged in the famous Jonny Debb's defamation case.


Now how will we see other father out there who might do a small mistake, or flirting, or some husband who got called out for cheating on social media. As the commo person, I guess the comment and the judgement for him is way too harsh. They see him as a nasty human being ust because of maybe one cheat that he made. (I am not saying cheating is good though). but can you see how different we treat people just because of the money on their possesion, not to mention the fame and power that will also play the major role over our view.

isn't it weird to see it that way, that we are threating different person for the same mistake because of money?