在加拿大旅行的每個城市裡,對於我這種不會開車的人來說,第一件必須熟悉的事就是大眾交通工具,到了溫哥華也不例外,這時就必須來聊聊溫哥華高架列車 (SkyTrain),基本上只要靠這個交通工具,就可以輕鬆到達各種熱門景點,例如媒氣鎮、伊莉莎白女王公園、科學世界館等,我溫哥華的自由行,基本就是依據高架列車來規畫。
搭乘高架列車建議購買Compass Card,因為可用於其他多種交通工具例如公車等,該卡片的優點是在90分鐘內也享有換乘優惠,一開始購買此卡片時須支付6加幣作為押金,離開溫哥華之前也可以退卡片來取回押金,不過我回台前非常懶,所以就直接把卡片帶回家,就是是個旅遊收藏品了,哈哈。
When traveling to any city in Canada, the first thing I need to get familiar with—as someone who doesn’t drive—is public transportation. Vancouver is no exception, and that’s where the SkyTrain comes in. With this transit system alone, I was able to reach many popular attractions with ease, such as Gastown, Queen Elizabeth Park, and Science World. My entire Vancouver itinerary was essentially planned around the SkyTrain.
I highly recommend getting a Compass Card when taking the SkyTrain, as it can also be used on buses and other transit services. One of its advantages is the 90-minute transfer discount. When purchasing the card, there’s an initial deposit of 6 CAD, which can be refunded when returning the card before leaving Vancouver. However, I was too lazy to do that before flying back to Taiwan, so I just kept it as a little souvenir!
One unique feature of the SkyTrain is that there are no staff members at the stations. Ticket machines and trains are fully automated. During my entire trip in Vancouver, I took the SkyTrain almost every day and never once needed assistance, so it seems like having staff at the stations really isn’t necessary. Personally, I find the system not entirely the same as Taiwan’s MRT, but pretty much identical in terms of how it works. Anyone who has used a subway or metro system before will have no trouble at all with the SkyTrain—plus, the ticket machines even have a Chinese language option!
One of the reasons I really enjoyed taking the SkyTrain, besides its convenience, was the view. While waiting on the platform, you can already catch glimpses of the city’s skyline in the distance. Sitting in the last car of the train gives you a great panoramic view of the tracks and the scenery outside. Along the way, you get to experience the contrast between sunny and rainy weather, and even the beauty of Vancouver’s sunsets. Taking the SkyTrain was more than just a way to get around—it was an experience in itself, making my trip all the more memorable.
For the best experience view this post on Liketu