The Spring Surprised Sharon On The Last Day Of March.

in The Ink Well4 days ago

This is a huge chance for Sharon to win ten thousand dollars. She’s just a street photographer who’s very good at what she does and whenever someone comes across any of her works, they embrace them. Sharon takes pictures almost everyday of her life and she has almost every picture for every mood.

We’re looking for good photographers who have some good shots for the upcoming Zebra contest. If you know you’ve got what it takes and you have beautiful pictures of blooming flowers or warm weather, then this contest is for you. Now, may be your lucky time, Sharon ignored this because she never thought she could win a contest.


Also, she felt she has every kind of picture but checking her photo gallery, she has no picture of blooming flower nor a warm temperature so that was the biggest discouragement.

Are you also joining this contest?, Sharon asked her best friend, Priscilla.

Yes, I’ll be joining the contest because I have all it takes and my photographs are very good, Priscilla responded while showing some of her photos to Sharon even though she hasn’t decided on the particular picture to use.
Sharon felt more disappointed because she doesn’t have the requirements and the contest entry will be closed on the last day of March.

I don’t think I’ll be joining this contest though. I don’t have any picture of blooming flowers nor warm weather and I also got an information that they will be needing five different photographs of ours and I don’t even have one, Sharon speaks in dissapointment and lost hope in the contest that she feels can change her life for good.
She has always needed more funds to boost her photography career and now is the time to make use of that golden opportunity.

Don’t lose hope yet. The contest entry will end on the last day of March which is three weeks away from now and before then, we’ll have our flowers book again, there will be warmer weather and you’ll be able to post up your entry before the last day, Sharon felt calm again and everyday, she hopes to see the sun again.


It was taking longer than expected but the sub isn’t coming out. The last day for entry is getting closer day by day also and Sharon is having lesser chance to join this contest.

Are you sure I’ll be able to join this contest?, Sharon has lost hope already. It’s just two days for the entry to close and no move has been made.

It’s still two days and anything can happen in two days, this felt like a movie because on the last day of the entry, there was a gift.
Sharon got all she has been waiting for. On the last day of March, the flowers bloomed ever than before and the atmosphere was so warm and lovely. The atmosphere was beautiful that Sharon doesn’t need any form editing for her pictures.

She lost hope already and never believed that the sun was going to shine again. She took to Longwood Gardens to take beautiful pictures of the blooming flowers.

Hey Sharon. The sun is out. Are you on your way to take the pictures? Priscilla called her friend but Sharon was ahead because she has gotten out to take the photos.

She took the most beautiful pictures of her life that she didn’t even know which she could submit but she eventually submitted the best five and everyone crossed their fingers for the result. The results will be out in two weeks and Sharon hoped for the best because she has never taken any pictures which is as beautiful as these.

I have a strong feeling that we will be part of the top three winners. Our photographs look so amazing, Priscilla said with her heart beating very fast while trying to login to the Zebra contest site to check out the winners.
That took about five minutes because a lot of contestants were also on the site trying to check if the result turns out to favor them.

Wow!!!! Sharon yelled. She won the contest already and she had lost hope at first because she submitted late and never knew the submission will be possible.
For Priscilla, she became the second runner up and was given a sum of five thousand dollars.

The arrival of the spring season was a surprise to Sharon on the last day of March and she was lucky to win the contest with the most blooming flower pictures ever in the United States of America.


Good one from that aspect of having good friends who wants us to win , the power of resilient and good luck from the universe.

I support @abojode on this one .


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I am glad Sharon won the contest, although she submitted her pictures late but they were nicely taken and made her the winner.