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RE: Maybe I’m getting too old to keep up with certain changes

in Threespeaklast year

That’s really somehow sad that you lost the same off day as your husband.
But if the employee evaluation won’t be so effective and the final answer would come from the top,why do they even do it in the first place.
I really understand how you find it hard to adjust to the changes but I don’t think it’s because you’re old now, I think it’s because the changes are so many and many changes could overwhelm anyone at all.
You’re really doing great as a spa therapist.


Thank you so much for your words!

It was good to have the same days off for the past 3 years. Being both in the hotel industry and in different hotel groups it's difficult as we have different shifts and now different days off but at least we are managing to have the same vacation times!

Things will get better, just need extra time to adapt and adjust!


Yes,things will get better