Wanting to believe

in #russianukrainianwarlast year (edited)


I have ears and eyes, and I am aware that the world is heterogeneous. In recent years, I also became aware of how many fakes, lies and manipulations there are in the world. Not the very fact of the existence of this phenomenon, but its scale.

Russia has been preparing for this war for many years, including in the information sphere, and it succeeded well. So there is no surprise that there are people who ... how to say it... who have a different point of view. Like someone named @aneczka who left a "nice" comment under my Report on NFT for Peace usage. He or she accused me of war propaganda, false complaints, playing the victim, misuse of funds and all such. Of course, all this abuse had no proof, and I don't know the purpose of his/her comment. Quoting an unknown Russian occupant, "who gave you the right to live so well".


Anyway. This post is about wanting to believe.

To those who believe that not everything is so clear. Because no one can know the truth. Because in a conflict, two people are always to blame. Because we need to stop the senseless and endless flow of cruelty and violence - and for this we just need to stop shooting, or at least stop showing war on TV. I believe what I want to believe because it allows me not to think or worry.

Ukrainians are lucky to have a beautiful and rich land as their homeland. Everything else they achieved by their own hard daily work. I will not stop repeating - we do not need someone else's, but we will stand and fight for our own.

I am more lucky than 10.5 thousand civilian Ukrainians because I am alive.

I am more fortunate than the 4 million Ukrainians who lost their homes, and than the 6.5 million who became refugees.

I am not in those 37% of Ukrainians who lost their business or job because of the war. Lucky me!

Should I feel guilty about it?

Should I feel guilty for everything that makes me happy now? For learning how to live in these new circumstances?

As I said, it's about wanting to believe. So it's up to you what you believe in.


I myself had a few wonderful days spent with my mom and my daughter. I finally met with my brother and nephew, I miss them so much. Yes, I can afford train tickets. Moreover, I can afford a taxi to the railway station. And a pizza with a glass of wine at a restaurant with my daughter. While I was visiting my family, Ukraine survived 3 mass shelling. Just in case someone misses it. I got used to it somehow (people get used to both good and bad), but some friends of mine reported that they had the scariest night since the beginning of the war because several Russian missiles hit the thermal power plant. It's almost destroyed. On the same night, while I was absent, the debris of the Russian rocket fell in the park near my house in Kyiv. Today I am back home. While I was taking a shower there were several loud explosions nearby and mobile and Internet went off. Another ballistic attack.

I don't know what you are expecting from me. Go crazy with fear. Commit suicide. Cry your eyes out. I am sorry if I disappoint you. But today I am going to cook something tasty for dinner because my husband returned home safe and sound while I was absent. He returned from another military mission in the very east of Ukraine, and I miss him a lot. It will be a happy meeting and I don't feel guilty about this.

The truth is that sometimes we laugh, eat delicious food, go for a run or to the gym. Even travel. Buy new clothes and get a hair cut. These are the same people who feel anger and rage, sorrow and pain when they see the dead and wounded, civilians and soldiers. These are the same people whose relatives are fighting to protect their homes. The same people who never tire of helping. I'll tell you a secret - we are all afraid of rockets - those who hide in shelters and those who continue to work at the laptops. And even those who wear protective helmets and body armor. They have neither a halo nor a crown of thorns.

Back to where I started.

For some, reality is so simple to explain that through the prism of the fictional complexity of digital reality, it's almost incomprehensible. The only way to reconcile such a reality in the digital world of fakes is to refuse proof.

But for those who are still doubting or envying I say - WELCOME TO UKRAINE! Feel free to come over and try this piece of cake. I can be your guide.


Considering all above, it would be unfair not to say how much I appreciate the help and support of all my friends here.



I used some formulations authored by Valery Pekar because they reflect my own thoughts.


Haters shall hate... Stay strong and let them pass.

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Thank you 🤗

 last year Reveal Comment

@aneczka is without any doubt a medical case. She believes that the @krolestwo trades in weapons manufactured in Radom. This is one of the funniest conspiracy theories I have heard. Thanks for this post though, because unfortunately also health people succumb to Russian propaganda. Don't give up and keep doing your job. You are doing a lot of good!

I saw you were following our conversation and I appreciate your support. I can believe people may have so much garbage in their heads but why to not doubt or verify your trash before you are going to blame or hurt someone in public?... However I agree, it can't be applied to medical cases

There is no need to look necessarily / blame Russian propaganda for something that can be done with his own strength of an ordinary idiot... moderately brainwashed, who has forgotten (or never knew how) to think with his own head. Agree?

As I wrote this case is medical. But I know sane people who believe all sorts of things sold by the Kremlin.

Kremlin is not a sole seller of a b....shit.

Not the only one, of course. But on the subject of Ukraine, they are leading the way.

PS. And I know that anti-Ukrainian propaganda is not always inspired by Russia.

 last year (edited)Reveal Comment

I am the voice of those who were quiet to the very end, those who thought being obedient gonna give them freedom.

No, Zirochka is. You're the voice of the Russian invaders who are killing those whom you described. You slavishly repeat their propaganda, villify those who raise funds to oppose them, and routinely pressure Ukraine to "negotiate."
What kind of "negotiating" do you expect?

Russia: "Our goal is to destroy your culture, kill half your people and enslave the rest."
Ukraine: "No."
Russia: "Okay, we meet in middle and I give you good deal. I destroy half your culture, kill a fourth of your people, enslave half the rest."
Ukraine: "No."
You: "Come on Ukraine, why are you so unwilling to compromise?"

 last year Reveal Comment

The vast majority of people that have not personally experienced armed conflict have no idea what they are talking about.

Keep safe.

Can only agree

 last year Reveal Comment

Dear @zirochka , I'd like to hug you in real to make you feel how I'm close to you and to the other people in the same situation and I know I'm not the only one. I really think the most part of people perfectly knows how many fakes, lies and manipulations there are on the net about this war (and about everything, I know) and sometimes someone doesn't use his/her brain in front of the lies. When I think about people who say Putin is not so bad (and my blood is boiling when I listen this kind of thing, believe me), I think there are also people who think the Earth is flat and we can't do anything to make them understand that Earth is not flat. They are just few (even if their words could hurt us, I know), but the most part of people perfectly know where the true is, it's not so difficult to find the right information between many fakes. ;)

They are just few (even if their words could hurt us, I know)

Statistics say that on the one hand, in every society there are 5-8% of incurable idiots. On the other hand, only 10-15% of people tend to analyze what they read. Therefore, I am always infinitely pleased with your position, and your words are like a small win to me. I hope that I will have a chance one day to hug you in real life 🤗 Thank you, dear Silvia @silviabeneforti

 last year Reveal Comment

You shouldn't explain anything or focus on what people are saying. Every single day, I face many backlash from people around me because of being a refugee from Ukraine. People won't understand what we faced, experienced, and witnessed. People won't understand our trauma and the loss and sacrifice we did. I always told you that I admire your strength and strong mentality.

4 million Ukrainians who lost their homes, and than the 6.5 million who became refugees.

This statement only few will understand...

I am sorry you are going through such a situation but I would say, please ignore it because we have to survive and stand for ourselves, for our country...If you wanna talk let me know...

Some people are just idiots. As the old saying goes, "When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail.".
Try not to be bothered by them, they can have no clue what you're going through. This is a time for compassion for all of the people trying to survive day-to-day. Try to keep your head up and know the prayers are still coming your way.

We found the town my great grandfather was born in by-the-way! Here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starokostiantyniv

We found the town my great grandfather was born in by-the-way! Here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starokostiantyniv

Oh my!... You did it! It's a historical place. There is an old beautiful castle there - the residence of the Princes of Ostroh - one of the most famous Ukrainian princely families, who played an outstanding role in the history of Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland. There are also a military airfield and perhaps other important objects so Russia often target there with missiles.

I never heard that old saying but I like it, and agree. I succumbed to my feelings...

I would really like to visit there someday, it looks beautiful. Our family has a lot of Polish traits, I imagine the music, food, and culture are very similar to that part of the Ukraine.

So true.

I read your post yesterday but it took me a day to reply. Unbelievable how evil some people are. Unfortunately this is not the only case. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to let affect you. What you've done and still doing for the cause is unbelievably exceptional. Keep it up and no way you're going to take a break from hive because of this.

Stay strong my dear friend ❤️ 🤗🥰

It took me a while as well to get up the courage to read the comments. I wouldn't let it affect me and upset me so much in other situation but sometimes my balance is too fragile. Anyway I still have to learn )

Keep it up and no way you're going to take a break from hive because of this.

I must confess this was an option. You read my mind and this is why I appreciate your words even more. 🤗🤗🤗

If you feel like taking a break, that's fine, but don't quit because of this. 🥰🤗❤️

It is so hard to understand others sometimes. I appreciate your thoughts, words, and posts about your daily life, about the war and about your help with the war efforts. I know I can't imagine living through war. Thank you for sharing.

 last year Reveal Comment



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pixresteemer(2/5) tipped @zirochka

Дуже потужний пост, бо який виражає почуття українців, які "посміли" жити нормально, поки в Україні іде війна, тих кому пощастило не втрати дому, залишитися цілими та живими.

Дякую. Дуже багато разів стримувала себе, оце вперше мабуть так прорвало. Українці і так поголовно живуть із ментальними травмами. Але ж на вулицях цього не видно. Особливо тим, хто не хоче дивитися

Keep doing what you do, my friend! ♥️🤗♥️


melinda010100, zirochka sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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What is happening to Ukraine makes me so sad, especially as I have been there and met the people. Putin could do this at any time, but he's happy for his own soldiers to die to satisfy his ego. Your strength is an inspiration.


Thank you, @steevc

Dear @zirochka, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @steevc.

 last year Reveal Comment

It has not been an easy 2 years for Ukraine and for those who have survived the scare, it must definitely be an experience to write out a novel. There is always a reason to live

Your message paints a vivid picture of life in Ukraine during these challenging times. It shows that even in the middle of war, there are moments of happiness and strength. Your openness about the struggles and the small joys you experience is really touching. Inviting others to see Ukraine for themselves is a great way to foster understanding. Thank you for sharing your story and for staying strong despite the difficulties.

Love from Henry 💓

Here in America we hear conflicting news about whose fault is the war between Ukraine and Russia. It's difficult to know who to believe. I just know the war is making a huge mess of your country and making it hard for anyone there to lead a normal life. I am glad you are able to do normal things every now and then. We all need a haircut or a good meal to perk us up from time to time. I hope the fighting comes to an end soon.

Here in America we hear conflicting news about whose fault is the war between Ukraine and Russia. It's difficult to know who to believe.

To analyze and understand news, you need some background. I don't know if you have an independent media in America and whether they write about Russian war in Ukraine. Anyway, I wouldn't trust "news" much because their goal is number of views / likes / clicks, this is how they make money. Money is the key and the reason why the voice of Ukraine is so weak compared to the Russian mouthpiece.

To understand the reasons for this war, you need to know the history. Preferably the real one, not its Russian version. I'd recommend researches of Ewa Thompson, Polish-American literary critic and Slavologist. Also Timothy Snyder's lectures on Ukraine, or books of brilliant Ukrainian writer, publicist, teacher and political activist Oksana Zabuzhko. Her books are translated into English. "The longest journey /2022" is a short essay and will give you a key to understanding.

Thank you for those suggestions!

You are most welcome!

Dear. This hate. I don't understand it, really. It's not even hate...it feels like ignorance that spouts from absolute fantasy. I'm glad you write about it openly. The truth is out there and we see it everyday. But some people are simply too thick in their head to see anything clearly and lack the capability to understand anything. They see the world in their own perspective and often apply their privileged life and thoughts to every occasion. We get targeted by such people. And believe me, here in the Netherlands also it happens. Sometimes face to face, not even online like a troll from germany or another troll from some other cou try. Can you imagine? It's really bizzare.
I find it painful that people don't understand the reality and the nuances that come along. But hey, that's the world. Like you said at the end, we appreciate the help and support...and the people we can proudly call FRIENDS!

I don't know why I finally wrote this post. Maybe because the heightened sense of justice when you are "inside" of the situation. It was so painful that I even had thoughts of taking a break from Hive. Even so, I decided that I should say it. There is a whole invisible world of emotions and feelings that is not on your face and your daily routine doesn't reflect it. We hide it from others to protect ourselves but in fact, this world is more important.
Thank you so much for your words. I know that being a refugee is not a piece of cake and no matter how it may appear. Take care 🤗

Hi....happy to know you and family members are safe and sound. Each time we watch the TV and see the news and live pictures of the happenings in Ukraine, believe me it is so painful. I have prayed for your country and people, but not only me lots of my relatives and friends used to pray. Hope some miracle happens. Stay strong strong, enjoy good food and outing as you said. I have no words to console you friend. Hope the peoples of Ukraine will get to watch a sunshine in peace, very soon. Bye.

I have prayed for your country and people, but not only me lots of my relatives and friends used to pray. Hope some miracle happens.

Thank you so much, my friend. I believe that God works through people.
We have only 2 options - defeat Russia and start rebuilding our country and build a better future, or fail, and then those who survive will flee or be forced to fight on the side of Russia against Europe.

All the Ukrainians have been so brave in the past couple of years when their lives have suddenly been turned upside down, and having to live in constant worry and fear, and probably not being able to plan for the next few months. The Ukranians are a lot braver than Pooh-tin who is so scared that he lives surrounded by his men, or those who hide behind a wall of text

Take care, as always and don't let negativity get to you

The Ukranians are a lot braver than Pooh-tin who is so scared that he lives surrounded by his men

This is true, but bravery is not enough now and without substantial help we will not defeat them. I am worried about the latest events in Russia and their consequences for us. I mean the terrorist attack in Crocus. Putin failed to blame Ukraine for the attack but now they are using the rhetoric of a joint fight against terrorism to weaken their international isolation. 😒

I guess there are trolls everywhere, even here on hive, which is sad, keyboard warriors.

Illegitim non carborundum.

Slava Ukraini

Sending much love. ❤️

Thanks! 🤗🤗🤗

As to this @aneczka critter, I wish I knew something more to tell you than just "don't let her get to you." Slavish devotees of Russian propaganda are everywhere. I have dealt with two of them on my own page, @vp-freelance and @valued-customer. The former is rather cookie-cutter; just the usual word-salad of "Blah blah Nazis blah blah Bandera yak-yakkity-yak-yak NATO warmongering something-or-other." Every now and then when I need a cheap laugh I give him a berating just to pass the time," but it's not as though he's capable of learning. The latter though, is an absolute zealot.
In my article about leaving Ukraine, wherein I described the murders I'd witnessed by Russian troops, the shelling of civilian complexes by Russian artillery, the bombing of my own school by the Russian Air Force, he actually tried to tell me in a comment on that very post "Russia seems to be going out of their way to avoid civilian casualties." I've seen him on multiple occasions try to "Krem-splain" to me that he knew more about what was going on in Ukraine than I (an expat who was in Ukraine when it happened) or my fiancee (a Ukrainian whose family is still in Kharkiv) do.
For some of these people it's a matter of being brainwashed. For others it's about getting paid. But for most of the ones on the Western Right, it's about "Russia can't be the bad guy because that will mean admitting I've been wrong in admiring them for years. Besides, Biden is pro-Ukraine and I can't accept that he might have actually gotten something right because it's more important to be anti-Biden than anti-genocide, so I have to ignore my eyes and ears and insist that anything spoken ill of Russia is 'propaganda.'" Regarding @aneczka, I can't tell what her damage is. She seems like the end result of mixing option three with copious amounts of narcotics.

I don't understand why you brought my name in here. Are you stirring up animosity in the Hive?
I know of a community of my countrymen who have a different point of view from mine. I don't go around trying to impose mine on them, they don't touch me. I chose the appropriate community for my publications. Freedom of speech within the law and mutual respect is paramount!
You're trying to pit us against each other right now! What are you doing that for? For what purpose? Stop it!
If you want to confront me with facts, not emotions, do it in person under my posts or on your personal blog. And the Hive is not a place for arguments and quarrels.
Have a good day)

"Are you stirring up animosity?"

Your entire blog is a case study in "support of genocide 101," and you have the cheek to speak of "stirring up animosity" when you get a spotlight shined on it?

"I know of a community of my countrymen who have a different point of view from mine"

There are no "different views." There is the truth, and there are the lies you have willingly shared in order to cover it up.

"I don't go around trying to impose mine on them,"

Oh but you do.

"Freedom of speech within the law and mutual respect is paramount!"

How much "mutual respect" did you share with the children who were massacred by the Russian troops you've openly and repeatedly supported?

 last year Reveal Comment

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 last year Reveal Comment