Rising Star Account Update - Level 294, Rank 54, Over 1.5M Fans

in #risingstarlast year

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Rising Star Profile

I figured it's been about a month since my last check-in and it might be a good time to touch base and see what progress have been able to make over the last month. I continue to play as many missions as possible and I'm focusing on growing my account. Well I've seen so progress I'm not really making big movements in either ranking and or total stats.

Here are some quick stats about my account.

  • Rank: 54
  • Level: 294
  • Missions: 27,256
  • Mission Ego: 2,296,239
  • Lesson Skill: 2,902,726
  • Total Cards: 40,995
  • Card Fans: 1,524,838
  • Card Skill: 1,116,836
  • Cards Luck: 386,775
  • Cards IM: 29,816
  • Unique Cards: 1,177


YTD Update - Tracking my Growth Again


  • Fans +300k
    Since the start of the year I managed to add 300,000 fans, I have added about 100,000 fans on the past 45 weeks. It looks like my new sustainable fan editions are going to be running about 100,000 per month with the rest of my earnings going to music promoter and instruments to help keep ahead of my potential ego issues.
  • Skill Gap ~+183k
    I've been trying to run a music lesson or two a day if I can, as long as I have enough start pro I like to keep this around $200,000 or above. It's not uncommon to be operating somewhere between 50 to 100,000 drunk fans on any random day, and I prefer to always keep my equally zero. Even if I start to build a bigger Gap I know it won't matter as the more fans I give the more ego out will earn and this buffer will disappear. I also have noticed more fans I get the higher the drunks I tend to get
  • Total Cards +7k
    Actually had a lot more cards added than I thought I would from last year. I think for a while when I was buying fans and lesson cards they ended up being some of the most common cards with little stats that were priced to sell.
  • Uniques +91
    I have been pretty static on new uniques in the past month. Most of these 91 I think were earned earlier in the year. I'm really struggling to shop uniques now that my lowest prices are around 50 to 60,000, and it was starting to get into find songs and not players. Not getting stats for the amount of money I'm spending is difficult, and I also don't want to start spending $100,000 star bits per card. I think I'd rather just buy fans or Starpro.
  • Rank -4
    My rank fluctuates depending on the day, how much I play, and how the formula calculates out for me. Anywhere around this range makes me pretty happy for the most part and I'm okay if I stay somewhere between 47 and 55 as long as I'm adding cards.
  • Production Lesson - +2,400 Skill / Lesson

Managed to add another 2000 skill per lesson, which is a great addition in my mind. I would love to add even more if I can get the efficiency of running this lesson up to be significantly higher than I'll be able to run more lessons to earn fans over time

Overall I think I've been doing a fairly solid job this year of growing my base and at the current rate I should break 2 million fans before the end of the year which will be double from where I started and another solid year performance. It looks like things are going fairly well for the long term and that is occasionally chip away at a unique card or two, or switch my buying practices from the cheapest fans back to boxes. Lately I've just been trying to stack as many stats as possible until I feel like I am in the upper echelon. Right now I don't think I can afford to buy boxes and have music lessons of the wrong kind or cards that are not as useful to me as fans.


Thoughts and Comments

Let me know what you think I should do next, or how to improve my band better. I got PIZZA, LUV to tip if they are working.


You received an upvote of 87% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Please remember to contribute great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag to create another Precious Gem.

You are doing awesome in Rising Star. I doubt if I'll catch up to your account!

@senstless! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (23/50)

What specific strategies do you recommend for optimizing lesson efficiency further?

Edited by geometry dash lite 1 day ago