Cover of the June 1984 issue of Computer & Video Games
Computer & Video Games was perhaps the longest running video gaming magazine. It was published in the U.K. from late 1981 until at least 2004. It covered whatever the popular video game and computer systems were at the time (at least in the U.K.). The June 1984 issue includes:
- Mailbag - Letters from readers about software piracy, Atari 8-bit coverage, the Electron, VIC-20 sales, Caverns of Mars, the Dragon 32, crossword puzzle competitions, mail order outlets, and much more.
- Competitions - Win a Tomy Voice Recognition Robot and more.
- Software Top 30 - A list of the top 30 games based on sales. The first few are Jet-Set Willy (Spectrum), Fighter Pilot (Spectrum), Manic Miner (Spectrum), Hunchback (Commodore 64), Atic Atac (Spectrum), and Space Pilot (Commodore 64).
- Professor Video - A strategy guide for Jet Set willy including a map.
- The Ultimate Driving Test - An overview of various racing games including ratings. Games covered include Pitstop (ColecoVision), Enduro (Atari VCS), Le Mans (Commodore 64), Pole Position (Atari 400/800), and Chequered Flag (Spectrum).
- Chess - Make the most of computerized chess.
- Quo Vadis? - Part two of a quest which could lead you to a Coleco Adam...if you can solve the puzzles presented.
- Which Robot and Android Review - The idea of a robotic assistant around the house was once a common expectation of something that would be here in the near future. The closest we have really come to anything practical are robot vacuum cleaners. This article presents some robots you could buy at the time though they were more toys or hobby units that anything practical. Robots in this article include the RB5X, Movits, Fred, Androbot, HERO 1, and Tomy voice recognition robot.
- Compilers - An explanation of interpreters and compilers and a look at compilers available for different machines.
- Japan: End of the Arcade Action? - A look at the Japanese arcade scene. At the time, the trend seemed to be towards sport simulations and laser disc games. Arcades also seemed to be on the decline with fewer customers in general.
- Hall of Fame - Reader submitted high scores for various games.
- Graphics - Part three of a series on the Commodore 64. In this part, drawing via BASIC is discussed.
- Bugs - A comic featuring the adventures of computer bugs.
- Adventure - A look at recent adventure games as well as tips for older ones including Pub Quest, Pirate Adventure 2 (the latest Scott Adams game), The Hobbit, Knight's Quest, Colossal, and more.

Table of Contents from the June 1984 issue of Computer & Video Games
- Miner Willy - A type-in game that gives you a new screen for Jet Set Willy on the Spectrum.
- Space Academy - A type-in game for the VIC-20 in which you are a space cop sent on a mission to destroy an alien military base.
- Castle of Doom - A type-in game for the Commodore 64 that is similar to Shamus.
- Road Runner - A type-in racing game for the TI-99/4a.
- Spider Grid - A type-in game for the Dragon 32 that is a version of the arcade game Genesis.
- Wonderman - This type-in game for the Spectrum features a hero that sounds a lot like Superman with game play that sounds reminiscent of Defender.
- Omlette - A type-in game for the Oric 1 in which you must catch eggs in a pan.
- Missile Command - A type-in clone of Missile Command for the BBC B.
News and Reviews
- Games News - The latest news and new releases including Mummy Mummy for the Spectrum, Sherlock Holmes for the Commodore 64, Fighter Pilot for the Commodore 64, Lemming Syndrome for the BBC B, Archon for the Commodore 64, Sheep in Space for the Commodore 64, Empires for the Spectrum, Johnny Reb for the Dragon 32 and Spectrum, and more.
- Reviews - Reviews of some of the latest computer games including Fortress (BBC), City Attak (Commodore 64), Ad Astra (Spectrum), Psytron (Spectrum), Invasion Force (Spectrum), Fighter Pilot (Spectrum), BC Bill (Commodore 64), Hard Hat Mack (Commodore 64), Night Gunner (Spectrum), Slurpy (Commodore 64), Jammin' (Commodore 64), Eskimo Eddie (Spectrum), Orange Squash (Commodore 64), Trafalgar (BBC), JCB Digger (BBC), Eagle (BBC), Aviator (BBC), 3D Tank (BBC), 3D Lunattack (Spectrum), Fire Ant (Commodore 64), Carnival (Atari), Games Designer (Vic 20), Killer Gorilla (Electron), and Tower of Evil (VIC 20).
- Arcade Action - A look at some of the latest arcade games. There are some classic here including Tapper, Cloak & Dagger, and Circus Charlie. Also some high scores for Star Wars, Pole Position, Gyruss, Time Pilot, Dragon's Lair, Tron, and Pac-Man.
- Video Gaming - Reviews of some of the latest console games including Rocky (ColecoVision), Zaxxon (Atari VCS), Polaris (Atari VCS), Baseball (ColecoVision), and Coleco's Super Action Controller Set.

Back cover of the June 1984 issue of Computer & Video Games
...and more!
Check out some of my other recent posts:
Vintage Photos - Goodwill Lot 1 (253-256)
Digital Archaeology: Dell Vostro 3550
Your 64 (February 1985)
Vintage Photos - Goodwill Lot 1 (249-252)
Antic (May 1985)
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Red Sails Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens
Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch