Your 64 (October 1985)

in #retrocomputinglast year (edited)

Cover of the October 1985 issue of Your 64

Your 64 is a Commodore 64 magazine that also covered the VIC-20 that was published in the U.K. It was relatively short-lived as a stand-alone magazine as it was incorporated into Your Commodore after 14 issues. The October 1985 issue includes:


  • Rocky LXIV - A review of McGuigan's World Championship Boxing for the C64.

  • Desert Island Risks - A review of Spy Vs Spy: The Island Caper for the C64.


  • Art Attack - A comparison of various art packages for the Commodore 64 including Tony Hart's Art Master, Paintbox, Doodle, and Mr. Pixel's Programming Paint Set.

  • Mind Your Language - A look at programming languages available for the Commodore 64. Products in this overview include Ada, Comal 80, Fig-Forth, Forth+, Forth 64 (from three different companies), Tiny-Forth, White Lighting, Logo, Oxford Pascal, Pascal 64 (from two companies), Pilot, and Pilot-Plus/64.


  • Arcade Ace - Hints, tips and strategies for Spy Hunter, Dambusters, Rockford's Riot, Elite, and Summer Games II plus a competition involving Summer Games II.

  • Miss Adventure - A brief look at Red Moon plus questions answered about The Hulk, Twin Kingdom Valley, and The Hobbit.

  • Chart Challenge - Top ten game charts including "Top Ten Classics" (Impossible Mission takes the top spot) and "Top Ten Hot Shots" (Pitstop II takes the top spot).

Table of Contents from the October 1985 issue of Your 64


  • 64 Programmer of the Year - A reader submitted sprite creator wins him a Commodore 128. This program is available to type in here.

Open Access

  • News - Beyond joins forces with Nexus to release Nexus; Ultimate releases Blackwyche; Dk'Tronics releases Popeye; Robocom releases a series of turbo catridges to speed up disk and tape loading; Global Software releases The Magician's Ball, Activision releases Ballblazer, Rescue on Fractalus, and Gamemaker; and lots more.

  • Hardlines - Reviews of books including Artificial Intelligence Projects for the Commodore 64, Commodore 64 Expansion Guide, and Peeks and Pokes.

  • Networds - What's new on Compunet and Micronet. Not the same as the Internet but one of the closest things to it at the time I suppose.

Core Material
