Cover of the October 1991 issue of Info
At this point, the name of the magazine was .info for Amiga Users though it went through slightly different variations over the years. It used to cover the Commodore 64 but was Amiga only by this time. One of the unique aspects of this magazine was that it was produced using only Commodore equipment. The October 1991 issue includes:
- Video - A guide to setting up an Amiga based video studio. Includes coverage of encoders, genlocks, monitors, digitizing and scanning, video tape editing controllers, single-frame controllers, and more.
- Graphics - A look at a HAM mode paint program called Spectracolor. This was basically a new version of Photon Paint.
- MultiMedia - A look at some software available for the CDTV including World Vista, Timeline of Science and Innovation, and Illustrated Works of Shakespeare.
.info technical support
- UNIX: Is It For You? - The first in a two part series on UNIX for the Amiga.
- ARexx and the Happy Haikuer - Using ARexx to generate Haikus on the Amiga.
- Memory Alignment and BPTRS - Machine language math programming on the Amiga and all about the special pointers (BPTR and BSTR) that AmigaDOS uses.

Table of Contents from the October 1991 issue of Info
- Public Domain - Several public domain collections are covered here including Cranware #161 (includes StarChart), Chiron Astronomical Pak (a five disk package including various astronomical programs), Barbara's Choice #9257 (Star Trek sounds and more), MGH #198 (Madelbrot designs and more), and MGHSoft Music Demos (a collection of more than 100 demo disks).
- Hardware - This month is focused on Amiga 500 expansion. Covered products include Xetec's FastTrak system (a SCSI adapter with up to 8 MB of expansion RAM), GVP's A500-HD+ (includes memory expansion and hard drive options), and the DataFlyer 500 (SCSI hard drive adapter). All of these are tested here with a 52MB Quantum hard drive.
- CyberPlay - A look at some of the latest Amiga games including Moonbase, Fast Eddie's Pool & Billiards, The Amazing Spiderman, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Team Yankee, MegaTraveller I: The Zhodani Conspiracy, King's Bounty, Brigade Commander, and King's Quest.
- .info Monitor - An optimistic view of what the CDTV could become.
- Mail - Mail from readers about emulation on the Amiga 500, choosing the Amiga over the Atari ST, and more.
- New Products - A look at new Amiga related products including Activa Software's Real3D modelling/raytracing/animation package, Mail-O-Dex Professional address book software, the A2410 1024x1024 display card for the A3000UX, the KB-Talker PC/AT keyboard to Amiga adapter, Distant Suns 4.0 astronomical program, the SupraModem 9600 (9600bps for only $699.96!), Comeau C++, and more.

Back cover of the October 1991 issue of Info
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Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
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