Something different has come up today on short notice, and it is something that I have never done before, so I am a bit nervous, even though there is "no pressure" involved. A friend of ours has asked if I am willing to take some pictures of her, which isn't the problem. The problem is that it is shooting in some kind of theatre, in a completely dark and black environment.
And I have no idea how to.
I am going to try anyway.
The friend has been battling cancer for the last 12 years or so, and while she is far from out of the woods, she is putting together some kind of video for survivors and those facing a future of uncertainty. As an afterthought, she figured that I might be interested in taking some pictures as well throughout some of the process.
Sounds like fun?
Yeah it does, but I am not a great photographer and I definitely don't have the equipment that is suitable for this kind of shoot. I have an off-camera flash, but it is a fill flash, not directed, which means that I might not be able to get the definition required in such a dark environment - but I don't really know, because as said, I have never done it before.
I found out about this last night.
It is in a couple hours from now, so after I have finished writing this vacation reflection, I will spend a bit of time looking at some example images and seeing if I can work out a way to replicate it. The friend sent one image as inspiration - and it looks to be taken by someone who has years of experience. But you know, no pressure.
But, since I am trying to push myself a little more and just try stuff that I haven't done before, I think that this is a decent opportunity to possibly improve in something I like to do. Or, it is an opportunity to find out how large the gaps really are in this particular area. I am assuming quite large, but I am hoping that I am able to get something that is good enough that it is possible to "fix" it a bit in post-processing. It is not the way I like to do things, but perhaps I might be able to get a couple shots that she can use either for her film project, or as a memory.
Smallsteps and my wife are going to come with me also to this, so I hope I am able to get a couple photos of them together also, because I think it would be nice to have something in black and white on the wall that looks like a professional took them. The only problem with that part is of course the "professional" aspect of it :)
Time to do some research.
[ Gen1: Hive ]