Nectar Progress

in #nectar13 hours ago (edited)

Here is a copy of my working kanban for Nectar and Nectar-Engine. I'm old-school, vim and a md file, nothing fancy, but it should give you an idea of what's in mind and what is done or in progress.



To Do

  • Branding and account chages in code
  • Remove legacy python2 code
  • Remove most unsupported steem code as the api's have verged too much
  • Plan for potential backward-incompatible changes and how to manage them
  • Add compatibility layer or warnings for deprecated functions
  • Make Hive default in all methods
  • Audit and update API endpoints for all Hive interfaces
  • Create migration guide for users switching from beem to Nectar
  • Update documentation with new branding and changes
  • Get close to 100% coverage in tests
  • Survey current users to understand their needs and pain points

In Progress

  • Evaluate third-party dependencies for security updates or replacements
  • Converting tox.ini -> pyproject.toml for tests and linting
  • Depreciated datetime.utcnow() to
  • Fixing stray datetime issues as they come up / remove pytz dependency
  • Find an update all the calls that make use of tags api
  • Finish setting up the cron job to run nightly for nectarflower/nodeupdates
  • Finish working on the benchmarks to update the nectarflower metadata (hourly?)


  • Makefile to simplify most tasks
  • Replace legacy with pyproject.toml
  • Updated dependency managment to use uv
  • Updated linting and formatting to use ruff and/or black/isort
  • Comment() uses bridge api instead of tags
  • get_discussion_by_*() methods now pull from bridge api
  • update_node() uses the account metadata from nectarflower

Nectar Engine

To Do

  • Branding and account chages in code
  • Add missing methods for things like Liquidity Pools

In Progress

  • Convert tox.ini -> pyproject.toml for tests and linting
  • Depreciated datetime.utcnow() to
  • Fixing stray datetime issues as they come up / remove pytz dependency


  • Replace legacy with pyproject.toml
  • Updated dependency managment to use uv
  • Updated linting and formatting to use ruff and/or black/isort
  • find_token() now picks up tokens after the 1000th token

As always,
Michael Garcia a.k.a. TheCrazyGM