Ugochill new album, Chill Em All , OutNow!

in #musiclast year


Hi everyone.

Ugochill new album, Chill em All #OutNow

Ugochill new album titled Chill em All has been released and it is digitaly available worldwide.

The album is a collection of eight guitar-based instrumentals and one song featuring awesome indie artist from Wales (UK) The Turtle Project (@theturtleproject)
Recently released as single, track "No More" is having very cool overal reception within Indie Music World.
Of the eight instrumentals, three were previously released as singles. Tracks, Vibration, Familiar and The Whale Song.
All three are freshly remixed and in some cases a bit reimagined too.
The other five instrumentals are all new tracks.

Tracklist :

01 - True Love
02 - No More (feat. The Turtle Project)
03 - Champion of Uno
04 - The Whale Song
05 - Vibration
06 - Space Between Moments
07 - Chill em All
08 - Familiar
09 - Dream Ahead

All music written and performed by Ugochill
except track 02 "No More" music by Ugochill & The Turtle Project , vocals and lyrics by The Turtle Project and track 05 "Vibration" music by Ugochill & Alen Sveto

Produced by Ugochill © 2024.

What can I say about the album?
It is intimate music made in an intimate environment motivated by intimate reasons.
It is guitar-based rock music in many of its forms.
Hard, Alternative, Indie, Retro, Electro.... but generally talking it is relaxed music with bit of edge.
Hopefully starting today, those who might come across it and give it a bit of attention are not going to regret it. 🙂

Best of Regards to all.!