@ablaze has been doing 3 tune Tuesday for quite a while and we love the idea of it and some of the posts @stickupmusic has been doing it but I though I would join in too. it is a great way to listen to new music which is always something we want to do!
Our picks
This week we are all err Vampires...and it is not the weekend...This American Rock band have been around a while and you can clearly hear there roots in the Surf rock and rock and roll or past times in there modern rock pop songs as well as lots of other musical genres. I have not listened to them for a while but liked their first few albums and have quite a few on our playlists. It is nice to go back in and explore their sound again and have a good listen to what they are doing now.
As ever to find out more go to the wiki
Song 1
This song has a great vibe too it, there is a simplicity to it all that really adds to its charm. Its Naive take on almost a happy vibes for a song that is called "A_punk" It has a focus and a directness to it with a great guitar riff and the drums just plod along almost like Ringo is drumming....
Song 2
This little err love song is another very simple homage to the past which you can see in the video. Again focused lyrics and vocals and a great guitar riff. Again in terms of writing and construction this is a well crafted song with a great drop down for the middle eight.
Song 3
This is such a fun little song from their early releases. Great guitar again and the bass and drums are working hard to keep the energy to the max....It is a very tight sound they have and I bet they are awesome live if you feel the energy of this. Check out the bass, while elusively siumple it is bang on and hard work to play that is for sure.
We love all types of music and hope that you like our choices I would definitely have a listen to them a bit more if you like this kind of thing, I am off to give there new album a thorough going over....
Big up all the music in the world and the joy we get making and listening to it!
Stick Up Boys