Am I understanding you correctly? For a token/fund named Leo-Backed Investments, you're planning on unstaking the LEO and selling it?! Plus, you're planning on doing it while it is priced under 2 cents?! That makes no sense to me. If anything, I feel like this fund should be buying LEO here. When I look at the total assets of the fund, the asset with the most potential is LEO in my mind. If it goes back to 5 cents from here it's damn near a 4x. I see nothing else in here with that potential. The income being generated should be adding more LEO here while it's cheap. If HIVE makes a run, great. But if it goes to $1 (4x), LEO will probably get dragged with it to 10 cents (7x). You've already got the LEO-BACKED FUND down to a whopping 13% of LEO. Granted, that low number is partially caused by the low price, but again, if anything, this fund should be BUYING more LEO, not selling it.
The fastest way I know to go broke is to move a bunch of shit around when everything is down. Throughout all the changes and the malaise of not really having anyone doing anything with this, I was at least comforted by the thought the fund had a bunch of LEO in the bank. This is totally opposite of what I signed up for in the beginning.