This is a short (around 200 pages) all-vibes-(almost)-no-plot litfic, with prose more on the simple side. Millie, in her early 30s, spends her time at a deadbeat temp office job. She spends her evenings with wine, crime shows and people she doesnt really like, and spends her work hours browsing the internet. But when there is the possibility of a temp job at her current office, she begins to dream. And this part was what I really liked about the book. Those little dreams that if just something that is such a signifyer for adulthood, like a temp job (as boring or useless as it might be) will finally work out, then things in general will start to work out. And she will change! Finally be the person who has a clean apartment, who goes on morning runs and does yoga, who eats almonds as a snack, who has fun friends, who is a functioning adult. And all those dreams and ideas were described in a way I could sympathize with. Parents expecting to have "ones life together" at age 30, the pressure to "find a job that fulfills you/something you really love", the pressure to have fulfilling and effortless relationships, the whole package.
And the book talks about how many of those things afford money. Buy new clothes, a new haircut, a membership in the yoga studio! Shop your new identity.
Not a perfect book by any means, it could have gone deeper into those explorations. But still, a worthwhile read for me.
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