Just will not admit it.

The only good thing I can say about the USA It's birth rate is dropping. There will be less fkn eejits born.
It is either a corrupt election in 2020 for the white house. Or the USA is full of eejits that voted Biden.
The USA pushed that covid virus development, yes that research was research done for American people. Funded by American people. Released by American people. Then the non functioning vaccine that does more damage forced on to people around the world.
And you fkn eejits will let those who did the crime away with it.
No accountability. No punishment.
Country of tyrannical finance. Not a great country, a hypocritical establishment.
Proof of this will come with no actions taken against those from the United States who brought nothing but destruction to the world over the last four years.
Say a free country, supporter of democracy? You want to enslave the rest of the world to your will.
You protect those like Epstein coombes until it is too public to ignore. The USA Gov directly involved in drug smuggling and sex trafficking.

Then we have blockchains and crypto. Here on Hive. All there is are Kamala Joes. Say what sounds right and for everyone. While behind the doors nothing.
Support this support that. Yet not one will support something they will not personally gain a promise of return. Do something for the people as a whole. That will not happen here on Hive.
You squandered the chance you have and will do the same with any opportunity to come.
There is no working together on Hive. There is only what can be gained.
Convince me otherwise.

I am no fkn smarter than you. I probably know less than you about many things. But I see more when I look at things than you do apparently. I seen this coming wrote about it 6 tear ago, Talked continuously about how to bring about change. Got agreement and ignored.
Over the last 6 years I have repeated again and again the things that were happening in the finance world to grab control over the crypto economy. They are almost there.
The shit that comes when they do,. Don't bloody cry about. It was you lack of any action that permitted it.
When your children grow and cannot afford a mortgage. That's your fault, Cause you let it happen.
The world works the way it does. Because that give some people an advantage. Each day you do nothing to change that. That hold grows tighter around future generations.
When I first got here. I used solar power as a method to share a theory. I got slammed for it at the PYPT show. Repeatedly, 3 month later someone else said a smaller version of the same thing that would only benefit a small few people and hot heaps of support from the same people who dismissed the same thing previously.
6 years since. I have helped many people on the chain with different things.
I have done the things people said they wanted Hive to do on a small scale. Got Hive used as a currency in a shop. Brought more investment to Hive. Up pressure for the token.
I have shown twice proof of concept.
I cannot get any support or even someone to talk this philosophy through.

I give up on you.
The philosophy I put forward is sound. Not one person has been able to fault. Any obstacle put forward. I gave solutions that overcome.
I get no support.
Yet support is given freely to those who will gain massive profits for themselves.
Games will do fuk all for the chain. If you bring 100 people from somewhere already in the crypto world to play a game. if 2 stay you are lucky.
Build a bridge or a well. You done nothing at all. What did you leave to cover the maintenance of what you done. All that has been done there, is someone personal ego got a boost for doing something for the poor African. How much was left to cover spare parts and maintenance of that well.
Ever damn thing done here is a half bloody measure.
For all the witness that would like a vote. Do something to deserve it. When you come around in the new year asking for more support. I have a middle finger for ye to sit and swivel on.

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