Hello friends! Please say hello to my new friend, Hamish Mickey! :)
I adopted him from Denver Animal Shelter. He was brought there to get medical help, because he was hit by a car and ended up getting his leg amputated, so he's a tripod. That happened only a few weeks ago, so he understandably has a fear of cars when we go out for walks. But we'll work on it together. 💔💙
this was us meeting in the shelter for the first time
He hasn't figured out the Porch Potty is a potty place yet, but I think that will help when there's a lot of traffic (like rush hour around here - I live near a major boulevard) and he still needs to go, once he figures out why I keep bringing him out there.
Here is how well he walks on three legs. It totally doesn't slow him down when we're out walking!
His name at the shelter was Mickey, which I took as a sign, because the dog of my heart from childhood was a golden retriever named Mickey. :) But I've been thinking he's a Hamish too. So right now he's Hamish Mickey, Mickey Hamish. 😄🐕
He's still decompressing and getting used to me and his new home, but I hope he likes it here and we become good friends! 🥰