Happy International Cat Day!

in Hive Pets8 months ago (edited)

Happy International Cat Day!

As soon as I opened the news site this morning, this came to my feed. Of course I shouldn't miss this for my cats.

My cats have been my stress relievers, though most of the time they stress me with their demands.

So to celebrate this day, let me show you more of my cats' photos.

This is Olby. She is the first pet me and my husband had together. We (I) adopted her on August 2014. I found her wandering outside our apartment then so I took her in. Only to find out days later that she was my landlord's cat. But they were kind enough to just give her to us. Turns out they let her out because she chewed on their computer wire.

This is Uno. She is Olby's daughter. She is suffering from a disease which left her a part of her digestive system blocked so she always vomits her food. She has to have soft food in order not to vomit it. Sometimes, I would blender her food before giving it to her. She also loves milk! She drinks milk every morning. What does she do when she's not given milk? BITE.

This is Wind. He is the first generation of Olby's kids. He is most of the time, aloof and always missing. He loves hunting. One day, he didn't come home anymore. May he be okay wherever he is now.

This is my Lolo Wiggles. I call him Lolo because he is old. He just arrived in the house at night and slept in the chair beside our bed while we were fast asleep. He is so cuddly. I miss him so much. He just passed away last year.

In this photo is Polka and Uno.

These are Dos and Caco (Calico). Dos is aloof too while Caco wants to be cuddled all the time. She is an attention seeker while Dos only needs me when he is hungry.

My cats are [pusakal] as they call it in here in the Philippines, short for Pusa-Kalye, though they are not stray.
[I meant Puspin there which is a short term for Pusang Pinoy, (Edited August 13, 2024)]

They are our constant company. Having cats, or any pet is a responsibility and yes, they are additional responsibilities but they sure are great stress relievers.

So to all catfurrents out there, I'd like to greet you and your cat a happiest international cat day!


Post thumbnail is edited on Canva.


To Sylvester, Garfield, Felix and all the felines out there, Happy International Cat Day!

Happy International Cat Day!🐾