For no particular reason, I booked three days off work and I'm just rounding up the first of the three. I won't be back on work until Thursday and as you know, that's basically pre-pre weekend because it is a day that solely exists to prepare you for Friday.
Taking some time off work is quite liberating. Although, I must confess that when I woke up this morning, I felt the urge to jump on my work laptop and get busy.
Weirdly enough, I dreamt of work the night before. It wasn't an outright dream about work but more of a dream where I was doing the same stuff I do at work but in a different context that I cannot remember right now.
Dreams are a funny thing, aren't they? I have very little recollection of the actual events in my dreams but I tend to have something like a summary of the main events lodged in my mind.
Speaking of dreams, playing call of duty throughout the weekend and today has largely been a nightmare. Its been one sweaty lobby after the other and I believe the time is coming to take a break, as this will enable the shit players at my level to catch up, thereby making the game even more fun.
Anyway, other than playing video games, nothing much has happened during my holiday. I sleep, I eat, I play and I'm all round just chilling. A holiday is always nice from time to time, take one.