Music has been there for centuries and music has been evolved in the past years. Some people may call music is their way on praising others, some were playing it because it's their tradition, some were for fun, and lots of things that a music can bring into someone into happiness, sadness, and so on and so forth.
Music is a living legend that gives a mark on the tribe or in a certain region or people. Some may represent as their whole tribe, some also represents on their own country. Today, only a few of the traditional music that has been remains in the modern world and most of the people loved the modern musical instruments than the traditional musical instruments.
**But what makes a music great to anyone? **
It's not that every one loves music but music is there before I was born. We can interpret music on how we interpret things in real life. What makes a music is great is how people makes the music "hype" in that span of years.
Before, they only use traditional music that were different from modern music and for these traditional music were mostly great and some of the instruments that they played using the traditional music were almost forgotten today because they don't know how to play it.
Unlike in the modern music, it's much more easier to use than in the traditional ones because it is modern and most people preferred on the modern music than in traditional music because there were some big differences about them.
Modern music and traditional music
I only knew a few of the traditional instruments that were only played by only a few in these modern world and when we hear them playing a song, we might applause it because they were really amazing on how they played the song.
We know that modern music were mostly use in the modern world and we can't deny the fact that traditional music will be forgotten in some time because of the modern music.
Listening to traditional music is also great because they were the ones that started about music and they were the one that shaped on what we have now in the modern music.
I think traditional music were fading now than before and they will continue to be forgotten by most of the new generations and they will only used the modern music instruments. Improving them will be another way of maintaining these traditional music. The traditional music will be slowly gone in one of the years in the future and only the instruments that will only remain and we can't hear on how they played that kind of instrument.
As for me, I would go over modern music than traditional music because it's really easy to learn than in traditional music instruments. I think for the traditional music instruments, they were very hard to learn because of the instruments is very old.
This is my Entry of the Inleo Monthly prompt for #julyinleo. Here is the link for this day of Monthly prompt
Note: The photos were edited by myself using Canva
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