{<Discover a Song>} and Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 15/1/2025

in Rising Star Game2 months ago

How are you spending your morning friends? I hope you are having a great time. Right now as I write this I have a cup of coffee in my hand, the truth is that there is no better way to start the day than going through the community drinking coffee. I'm sure many of you do the same, this is a classic. Well, my friends, yesterday we were watching a story that I brought you, which by the way if you haven't read it I invite you to do so, it's interesting. In today's case I bring you again a recommendation about a song that is very nice and that I think many of you should listen to, in fact I can assure you that you will like it.

And of course as always I will leave you my opinions about it. In addition to that topic I also bring you my recommendation of letters for today, I can already tell you that there are very good letters for today. With this in mind let's begin.


Image created by me in canva

Post translated with Google Translate

You know, friends, the song I want to talk to you about today is not very well known, I think it's because of the language barrier. I almost always bring you songs in English or Spanish, but today's song is in French, so most likely few of you have ever heard it. So keep reading to find out what it is and who knows, you might end up liking the singer's music and end up looking for more. That's the goal I'm looking for with this section. I'll get straight to the point, I'm talking about the song Au Cœur de Moi in French by the singer Amir. To save you the trouble of translating the title, what it means is (in my heart). I think you can already get a clue as to what its central theme is about. I'll talk to you about that in a few moments.

This song is from 2016 so it's not that recent, but look, it's not that well-known despite the time it's been released. As I said, I think that this is partly due to the language, because I think that it is a very good song and that it deserves more attention from everyone. I have heard other songs by Amir, but I think that this one surpasses them all by far, as I always say without disparaging his other works.

I already told you that the title gives you a clue. If you didn't understand it, I'll explain what it refers to. Basically, what the lyrics talk about is about "opening up" emotionally. Or also about showing what we have inside to others without being afraid. In other words, showing ourselves as we are without creating a false personality that we don't have, just trying to fit in. Although I'll tell you right away that these lyrics can be a bit abstract, you can get a lot of meanings from the lyrics. There are several parts that I like, like the case where Amir says that he wants us to see who he really is. Obviously he doesn't tell us this, that part of the lyrics is for us to take and apply with whatever we want. The most typical thing would be for you to apply these lyrics with your partners, especially if you're starting a relationship. I think that's where it fits best.

I told you that I liked that part because there's nothing better than starting from the beginning by creating trust with the other. You may start a relationship or a friendship and then from the beginning you start to hide who you really are or you create an artificial personality to fit in. Almost always when things start like this they end badly, and I think the reason is very easy to see, and in fact it is said in the song. The problem is that you are not yourself, you have started badly. There are not many songs that deal with this topic as well as this one, well or at least I have not heard them. I apologize if there is another one on the same topic. If you know another one that deals with this topic you can recommend it to me in the comments and we will analyze it in a future post.

So did you get the point? For “something” to work you have to be yourself. But there is a nicer point that the song says and I think it is worth mentioning. So far I have only talked about not being ourselves. But we do well to ask ourselves, do we let the other person be ourselves too? What I mean is that we have to let our partner/friend/family member be the same, because it is no use for us to take the first step if we force the other to do the opposite. That would be counterproductive. Or at least that is what I think.

On the other hand, I have been listening to this song for quite some time, in fact I think I heard it for the first time back in 2020, in the middle of Covid and since then there is the same lesson that I take away from it every time I listen to it. Obviously I had to translate the lyrics to be able to understand it well because I don't know how to speak French 😅 The lesson in addition to everything I have said, which was the most obvious, is that at least we should not always try to pretend that we have everything under control, especially if we don't. Because we can close the possibility of getting help from others. And there are many times that if we need it and because we are foolish and act as if nothing is happening, the water falls on us. 😂.

And there is much more that can be extracted from here. I always say that each song is a world. Because you learn a lot from them. It is useless for me to come here and say, "look, here I leave you today's song", because with that we gain practically nothing. The best thing is to talk about the message as I always do, so we can take something of value from here. So my dear friends, with this we close today's post. Now I'm going to leave you with the video of the song so you can listen to it for yourself and then I'll leave you with the recommendation of cards for today.

Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 15/1/2025

Today I will present to you From cards that boost your fans to those that improve your Luck and Skill. I will also cover all the stats needed for each music lesson, such as: singing, guitar, Drums, Piano, Orchestra and Production.

It is important to remember that while this publication will offer you a useful guide, you should not take it as an absolute guide. The dynamics of the game can change quickly, and it is always advisable to do your own research and analysis before making important decisions.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this publication and that you find the recommendations useful to improve your experience in Rising Star.


It's always exciting to add new fans in Rising Star to elevate your music career to new heights. Whether you are a newcomer or a veteran in the game, finding fans is a crucial part of our success in the game. Well here are the most recommended cards to increase your fan base, updated.

First of all we have R587 30s Pick Up. At this moment this card is one of the most profitable cards to increase fans quickly, because its price is 72.1 starbits/ per fan. In total the card costs: 25962 starbits. Among the features it offers are: 360 Fans, 0 Skill, 4 Luck and 3 IM.

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Well now it's time for the luck card recommendations. As I'm sure you know luck is the one that allows you to get more drunk fans and get extra profits at certain times. Well here are the most recommended cards of the day.

The most recommended card to increase luck at this moment is: R582 Hne. This card has a price in the game market of 21.3 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 1065 starbits. Which certainly makes it the best choice. This card offers you 50 luck.

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Now it's time to see the best cards that give us skill. The skill allows us to fight the ego generated by doing missions in the game or buying fans in the market, as well as the drunks. Well, let's see the cards:

At this time the most recommended card to increase the skill at the best price is: R573 Mally, as it has a price of 53 starbits per skill. The card costs a total of 7275 starbits. Among its features it offers: 135 skill, 45 fans, 4 luck and 2 IM.

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Music Lessons

As we all know with the music lessons we gain skill and then with that skill we fight the ego. Well for that we need instruments for each lesson, as is the case of singing, guitars, drums and many more. In this section I am going to show you the best card based on its price for each specific skill.

Singing Instruments:

For singing lessons the most recommended is: R583 DWD Momentum. This card costs the equivalent of 22.9 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 1146 starbits. Among its features it offers 50 luck per card.

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Guitar lessons.

In the case of guitar lessons, the best card is: R598 One String Bass. This card costs the equivalent of 26.6 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 1331 Starbits. Gives you: 50 Luck

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Drum Lessons:

For drum lessons the best card is: R596 Egyptian Darbuka. This card costs the equivalent of 36.3 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 1818 starbits and gives you 50 luck.

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Production Lessons:

The best card for production lessons is: R448 WIE EQ. This card currently costs: 43.8 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is 2190 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Keyboard Lessons:

For Keyboard Lessons the best card is: R584 RS Goldie. This card costs 37 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 1855 starbits. It gives you: 50 Luck.

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Orchestra Lessons

The best card for orchestra lessons is: R582 Hne. It costs at the moment the equivalent of: 21.3 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 1065 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Well friends this is the publication of today 15/1/2025, I hope you find it useful. As always I remind you that I am open to suggestions for future publications, and thus improve the statistics. See you in a new publication. Have a nice day.

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