Today I'm going to show you the rest of the photos I photographed at the photo exhibition earlier this week. I see a few of you liked the photos I posted yesterday, so I trust you'll like these ones too as most of them are very interesting and exceptional if I can say that.
At first it may seem like a winter photo, due to the dominant white, but it's not. It's a chapel (most likely) at a top of a hill flanked by two old trees. For me, it symbolizes tranquility and shows the time has stopped. It's a lovely scene.
Another lovely photo, but for different reasons. I can have a somewhat similar view, if I go to the far end of my dad's garden, but that view is not this beautiful. Those clouds and the fog adds a lot to the beauty of the photo. What I need to mention here as well, is the church's tower. These church towers are almost always the highest in every village and this has somewhat a religious significance as well. It shows how powerful religion used to be. Yes, it's past tense, because it's not anymore. These days only the elders are religious and go to church on a regular bases. The photo has a dramatic tone, so when I'm looking at it, I'm glad I'm inside and not out in that weather.
This photo with the church alone would have been fantastic, let alone with the animals. Respecting the rule of third, till the animals came in :) I love that pale tone a lot.
I love and miss these snowy scenes. Unfortunately, these scenes are becoming a rarity. We only had snow a couple of times this winter and never enough to cover everything. So if I want to capture such lovely scenes, I have to go higher, up in the mountains.
No, this is not pollution like you see in India and what other countries are there, where you can't breathe even wearing a mask. We don't have that level of pollution. This is fog, paired with a lovely orange light, which is quite rare to be honest, or I don't know where to find it.
This is where things start to get interesting. @dimascastillo90, what are the chances to capture such a scene? 😁 The two kids jumping on the trampoline, their happy faces alone is enough for a very good photo and the plane is a bonus.
What title would you give to this photo? I'd call it Happiness. The same two boys having fun with the dog. Sometimes you don't need much to be happy and their happiness is genuine. These kids have not been taught to fake a smile for the sake of a photo, which usually ends up on one of the social media platforms, for the whole world to see, because that's the trend. I can really appreciate their happiness.
This photo is a valuable one and will be even more valuable in a decade or two. The old man is cutting a wooden wheel, manually. First of all, these days all the wheels are rubber now, no one uses these wooden wheels, unless for demonstrative purposes. Secondly, manual woodwork is also on it's way of disappearance, most of the process is now done by machines, this is why this photo is precious. With the generation the old man represents, this type of work is going to disappear as well.
Unfortunately the light takes away a little from the value of the photo, but it's a lovely monochrome otherwise.
This was an excellent shot but due to the position of the light, this was the best I could do. The photo was taken through a tulip shaped hole, most likely an element of the gate, capturing people participating in a village event. I love this type of photography and most likely it'd be nice to pay attention to it in the future, if opportunity knocks on my door.
Reminds me of the stalactite cave I visited to a few years ago. Unfortunately taking photos was forbidden, and I have no photos of the actual cave, which is a shame as it was a lovely one.
I left this amazing photo at the end, not because it's less important than the others, but because it has a lot to say. First of all, it's a mystery how the photographer could took this shot. The only explanation is that the oven had two doors, or one of the bricks was removed. You can't place the camera inside as at that temperature, while there was still ember burning, you risk to damage it.
So this is how bread was and maybe still is made in some of the villages. Bread meant life for them and for quite many, bread was the only food they had, back in those tough days that came after the war.
My dream is to try out bread baking one day, in a real oven, like this one. My grandmother had one, but that's huge, you have to burn a lot of wood to heat it out properly. So hopefully one nice day I can have access to one and try to bake a nice bread, with crispy crust.
I hope you have a favorite this time too. There are photos here for every taste. You know the drill, let me know in a comment :)

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