Today I think I'm going to show you different artworks, mixed ones, which is something I used to do in the past, but then for some reason, I have stopped. In my very humble opinion, it's a very good idea to mix paintings with photos or other artworks from different artists.
When you have a solo exhibition, I bet most of us look for a pattern, or similarities in style. Should there be similarities between the artwork of the same author? The answer is not a simple yes or no I think, because it's the decision of the artist. I personally prefer not to see similarities but this does not refer to recurring elements.
There were two solo exhibitions lately that I visited and both artists had some recurring elements in their paintings. This was a huge plus in my eyes and I really enjoyed it.
Now let's see what I have prepared for you today.
To my absolute shock, I didn't take a photo of the title of this painting. This opens up the possibility for you to give a title to this amazing painting. Maybe some of you can remember Attila Bajkó's paintings, those wonderful artworks I posted about in the recent past. There were a couple of recurring elements and the church was one of them. I love this painting a lot, for those wonderful brown colors, how the hill is painted and for how the light is falling on the church from above. Look at the background how these lines form a semi-circle, unlike how the hill is curved.
Csíksomlyó (Șumuleu)
This is another wonderful painting, but it has a deep meaning only if you know what it means. This is not just about two churches and the hills behind them.
Csíksomlyó became a pilgrimage site in 1567, when Hungarian king John II Sigismund Zápolya wanted to convert the Székely population of the upper Csík to Protestantism. The Székelys refused to abandon the Catholic faith and resisted. A battle took place on a nearby field, on Saturday before Pentecost 1567, from which the Székelys emerged victorious. The monks saw this as a sign of the care of Virgin Mary, and since then, this event has been commemorated by a pilgrimage when the believers gather on Pentecost every year. Beside its religious importance, the pilgrimage has also become a community event demonstrating spiritual unity of Hungarian people living in and outside the historical region of Transylvania. source
This is an iconic place in every Catholic's life. It's a well known pilgrimage place that attracts Catholics from all over the world on that specific date. You see this scene painted by many and it's interesting how many ways there are to depict the same place.
Here there are two churches, but the second is the negative of the first. It's a very interesting idea you don't see very often. I love the incorporation of the golden color, it gives a different light to the painting.
Caring tree
This was a very interesting concept an I'm sure those who are into spiritual things can appreciate it a lot. Maybe some of you still remember the recurring elements of the artist. One of them is the wings and you can see wings here too. What I love the most about this painting is the roots, how they go deep into the wood and are not just painted with black paint.
This was a very different theme, with no connection to the other artworks in any way, so it stood out. Most likely you already know, you can buy me with such color combination as I love blue combined with light brown, orange and what you see on the painting.
Look at how beautiful and detailed that flower is. I can see it as a pattern on a fabric. yes, my obsession kicks in again, i can't help it.
This beauty has no title, so feel free to give it one. Let's see what you see here, how you see it.
Wings again and to me, it looks like the power is coming from above. But the interesting thing here is the gate at the bottom. I took some close-up photos to show you the details as I think that part is amazing.
Every single box has a different pattern and several colors. The artist's attention for details is mind blowing.
Last, but not least, a painting of Vera Dan, a very different style though. I loved the point of view of the artist, focusing on the colorful flowers and fence and placing the house in the background. The frame is also something to pay attention to.
Let's see which one is your favorite today?

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