Daily Theme Week 2: #TravelLightTuesday

in The MINIMALIST8 months ago

Week 2.png

A Daily Theme?! For the Whole Week?!

Minimalism is certainly often discussed around here. One thing this community has made abundantly clear to us is that each one of us has their own unique understanding of it. So, in order to broaden that understanding, we are returning to the MINIMALIST Daily Themes... with a twist.

Instead of narrowing it down to one single day, we are generously expanding each theme across an entire week, to give you more time to tell us all about your practice, and how the respective theme fits into your minimalist lifestyle.

What We Want

We are ONLY looking for authentic minimalism.

We want to know how the weekly theme impacts or relates to your minimalist experience, so let's talk a bit about how we define minimalism.

Minimalism actually started out as an artistic movement in the 1950s and '60s. Through it, creators sought to strip their art off needless frills and bows, and boil down to the very essence.

That's what minimalism, as a life practice, is. Removing the unnecessary, so you can cultivate more conscious, at-the-essence living. It's a bid for freedom. It's a means of escaping our overwhelming materialist society, keeping consumerist anxieties at bay, of simplifying our material existence so we can focus more on the core.

What We DON'T Want

While the blockchain is an excellent place to meet new people and learn from one another, we do have some rules on what we DON'T define as minimalism:

  • Minimalism is not the same thing as poverty/privation. While we empathize profoundly with all situations and try to help fellow Hiveans as we can, such posts will probably fit better elsewhere.

  • Minimalism is not about religion. While we support everyone's right to a religious practice of choice, this is not the place for talking about how you shun possessions in the name of Jesus or helping your church. We do NOT welcome zealots or preachers of any creed.

  • MInimalism is about enriching the HUMAN experience. As such, we hold a very hard policy on the use of artificial intelligence (A.I.). Any AI-enhanced posts, from pictures to articles written by AI will be muted.

  • Finally, we are looking for personal accounts. If the weekly theme is mindfulness, we want your definition, your relationship with mindfulness. We do not want generic posts defining mindfulness or explaining it in general, bland terms. We want to know what it means for you.

Now that the fine print's out of the way, let's talk about the theme itself.

Week 2: Travel Light Tuesday

The more you carry with you, the more difficult your journey becomes.

Traveling light means something different, depending on who's making the journey. It can be related to actual travel practices (i.e. minimalist packing hacks, three items you can't travel without etc.). But it can also refer to other types of journeys.

Maybe this year, traveling light means getting rid of the extra mental clutter and noise that's been weighing you down on your journey.

Or maybe, there's something, a regret, some residual guilt, that you've been carrying from year to year. Sometimes, we don't realize how heavily these can weigh on our conscience until the moment we set them down and feel ourselves ever so lighter.

In what way are you traveling light right now? Or wish you were? And how has your minimalist experience helped you travel more lightly?

Embracing a minimalist lifestyle can be a great way to declutter your mental and emotional space. It can allow you clarity and helps you distinguish between what you truly need in this journey... and what you don't.

That's what #TravelLightTuesday is about - whether you want to share a neat packing hack, or want to get something off your chest, now's your moment!

Participation Guidelines

We are (as you can probably tell) a pretty live-and-let-live community around here. However, we do have a couple of minor rules, to promote healthy engagement.

  • No AI Content - We're just trying to keep it for the humans;
  • Min. 300 words;
  • Use the first tag #TravelLightTuesday (you don't need to post on Tuesday, just use the tag);
  • Engage with at least 2 other Daily Theme posts (we love lone wolves, but sometimes it's nicer to grow together).

Also, please also observe our updated community rules.

Before You Go... We have some exciting news.


The photos belong to millycf1976 and were both manipulated using Canva


Woohoo, it's sure to be great 🥳

I really like the sides a light ride can take. The experience of coming out of mental chaos and accomplishing that, takes time. Thank you very much. See you soon 💟

That's a thoughtful comment and we're looking forward to the stories on this topic:)))


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this is not the place for talking about how you shun possessions in the name of Jesus or helping your church.

Now this was funny😂😂

or want to get something off your chest, now's your moment!

It would be so nice to let it all out.