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RE: New Tunes 5.1.2024

in Musiclast year

If you were to publish posts that could be rated with a simple click of the mouse, I wouldn't be so late with my written assessment week after week.
Or you just offer vinyl that has been completely pointlessly loaded with music. But you don't — and that's why it takes until Sunday afternoon to get me to answer.

  1. Andreas Røysum: A perfect tale of life, including the natural world and a glimpse into the past.

  2. Bar Italia: If excitement and high expectations can be transferred to music — then this is the place for me.

  3. Assiko Golden Band De Grand Yoff: The music is the best way to spread the good mood, but also with stories that stick in the throat of the former colonists.

  4. Irreversible Entanglements: A few Creatives have taken the trouble to open the big box of music. A pinch of this, a hint of that ...

  5. Brötzmann/Bekkas/Drake: When Brötzmann went looking for new ways, he was always good for a surprise. The fact that this was his last surprise makes this lover of the clarinet in jazz particularly sad.

  6. Chouk Bwa: Although I always like to get on a train where I'm not quite sure which direction it's going to take me, today I'd rather stay on the platform.

Great selection!


Thank you.
I like that you are so serious in your analysis of the music that I share. I don't know where I'm going to end up next week. But I love discovering music; if you comment on it, that's certainly good for me, you, and the music community. 😎👍

The constant dissection of political and socio-critical topics only leads to blindness towards the really exciting things in life — such as the giant field of art, where music finds fertile ground.😉

I agree. The devil is in the details, the MSM media intensively brainwash people with their political activism, which they also package in art, including music... well, at least it is like that here, and I think elsewhere in the EU as well


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