For a while now I have been following some of the posts in the #silvergoldstackers community, and I am always a little jealous when I see someone post about the gold that they are stacking. In recent years I have been picking up some 1oz silver pieces here and there, but the entry point of gold has me feeling the price bias really hard. When silver is right around 30 per oz and gold is more than 100x that, it is easy to understand why.
I was lucky enough to get a goldback during Christmas from @silverd510 and after staring at it lovingly for a couple of days, I finally put it away in my safe. Until that point, that was the only gold I ever owned.
Or so I thought
I'm not actually sure what exactly got me thinking about my wedding ring, but the other day I realized for over fifteen years I have had my most precious bit of gold touching my skin every single day and night.

Yes, it's white gold, so that means it's actually a bit of an alloy of maybe 75% gold and 25% nickel and zinc. As you can see from the photo above, it's 14 karat and the FG stands for gold filled according to Google. This basically means that the 14K gold and zinc alloy is pressure bonded to a metal core made of brass or something else.
As you can see, this ring has definitely seen its share of wear and tear. It's actually a quite different ring from when we first bought it. The edges used to be a bit more flared, but I had to send it in to get it made smaller, and when they did that they rounded off the edges for some reason. It's always bugged me a little, but it's my wedding ring, so I have come to appreciate it and accept it. It's the same ring @mrsbozz handed to me on our wedding day, so I wouldn't trade it for anything.

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.
I'm not really going to even talk about BTC today. It just keeps doing BTC thing bouncing around in the mid $80K range. Nothing we can do but sit, wait, and see.
I got some interesting news the other day from @seattlea that card rentals might be making a come back. I used to rent out a good portion of my cards, but I recently pulled all that back when the markets kind of tanked and most of the rental services closed up shop. I'm definitely going to have to look into seeing if I can make that a more stable income again.
Meanwhile, I got my seven lands all set with the new roll out and it appears that I only have two lands that can produce wood. The other lands are only able to produce grain. That means I am going to have a massive over abundance of grain. Hopefully I can leverage that into some additional profit as more people need grain to keep things going on their lands. I have a feeling the market is going to be over saturated though.
Finally, my Node being run by @monstermarket continues to sit in the 65 position on the charts. This is earning me about 200 to 250 SPS per week. I know, it's not a great deal, but it is better than nothing right? Plus I think MM takes a small percentage of a cut, so you need to factor that in as well. That is they are or they will be. I am not sure. Either way, it's better than nothing!
If you want to give me a vote, I think you can do it with this link.

I got this piece of mail from the US Postal Service the other day. Apparently at some point I had done some KYC with the Gemini exchange even though I have never used it before. They had my address one way or the other. There was also a nice little copied letter from the Winklevoss twins inside the envelope.
Needless to say, I tore it up and threw it away. I already have a crypto card through Crypto.com that I never use. What I found interesting about this is the fact that this is the first piece of physical crypto junk mail I have ever gotten. Sure, I get credit card offers all the time in the mail, but never one that is tied to crypto.
Physical crypto junk mail... Does that mean crypto is finally going mainstream? :)
I've been eagerly awaiting the next fiscal quarter to get started so I can do some more missions on the Travala platform and earn some more of the AVA token. I actually made my first hotel booking through the site the other day. It was one of those cases where the price wasn't too far off from the prices on the hotel web page, so I figured why not give it a shot.
I did get a fraud alert from my credit card company and the first time I tried to book the room it was declined. After clearing all of that up, the second time the transaction processed just fine. Yes, I used my traditional credit card to pay for the room, not crypto. I still don't hold enough crypto to start using that to pay for travel yet. My hope is that I can make some gains if the bull market still happens, move those gains into stable coins, and then use some of that crypto to pay for travel through Travala.
We will see what happens.
As a diamond holder, I earned a nice little discount and some other perks on my hotel room booking.
That's all I've got for today. I keep watching the price of HIVE to see if it will dip below $.20 so I can pick some more up with the HBD that I pulled out of savings.
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