Have you ever been surfing the Internet and stumbled across an article that promises to give you some tidbit of information? You open the the article and start reading only to find that they go on and on without ever really getting to the point that made you open the article in the first place.
I really hate it when people do things like that, but I was taught a long time ago that is how you get people to stay on your site for a longer amount of time and big promises like that are how you pull people there in the first place.
I thought about doing that myself for this post today, but I honestly wasn't sure that I would be able to string you along for a minimum of 500 words to at least make this post worth writing.
I already feel like I have been typing forever and I appear to only be just a bit over 150 words.
Getting to the point... Today I wanted to talk to you about one of the single things I have started doing on Hive to make it more rewarding for me. I'm not talking about monetary rewards although I think we can all agree those are quite nice. Instead, I am talking about mental and to some degree spiritual rewards here on Hive.
You see, a short time ago I decided I was going to start upvoting comments. Not my own comments of course, that would be tacky and against the unspoken code that we have here on Hive. If you are upvoting your own comments, just stop. It's bad form.
I did start upvoting other peoples comments though and believe it or not, it just felt good. It's not a ton that I upvote them for, but in my mind it's a little bit of appreciation for them taking the time to write that comment in the first place.
It's actually something I have made a regular part of my routine though it wasn't an easy road to get there.
I do a combination of manual and automatic curation. It was a fine line finding the right balance of upvote weights to keep my voting power above 80% each day, but also giving relatively decent upvotes.
I understand right now my vote value is down a bit because I am heavily delegated to @holozing for the rewards there, but to my surprise, the percentages I have found seem to work quite well despite that fact.
Most of my manual curation is at 20 to 30 percent on a post and then I try to vote 2 to 3 percent on any comments that don't qualify as spam. Ask any of the people that follow me regularly or casually, I vote on their comment pretty much every time. Heck, I even vote multiple times if we have a long conversation going in the comments.
Like I said, it's my small way of showing them I appreciate their time and insight. I've never really understood the syntax of those tipping bot things, so doing a comment vote just makes the most sense to me.
I've been saying this for a long time and I think many people would agree that comments are the heart of many things that happen here on Hive. Without that, we might as well just be posting static content to a web page somewhere.
Besides the obvious windfall scenario, I think comments in general are one of the best ways you can grow your Hive account and comments have been the crux of my growth over the last six years. Just look at my Hive Buzz stats if you don't believe me.
So give it a try and see if you get that warm fuzzy feeling like I did by showing others you appreciate their comment. Just keep an eye on your voting power!
My apologies for the photos in this post. They were the only ones I could find that were somehow related to the topic of "rewards". Wow, there you go, seven hundred words, I guess I did better than I thought.
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