It's safe to say I had a couple of surprises I woke up yesterday morning. Through the night we got about three to four inches of snow. Sure, it was nothing like the northern part of my state got over last weekend. Something like 43 inches across two or three days. Then I looked at my news feed and discovered that Bitcoin had jumped up above $100,000 USD finally. Sure, it dropped back down to something like $90,000 by the end of the day and now we are sitting at $98,000 or so.
I have faith that we haven't seen the last of the $100K range. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the weekend we were back up there. Oh, the Detroit Lions clinched a playoff spot with the win over Green Bay last night. That's two years in a row now!
The good news is, it does appear some of those profits that were taken when Bitcoin was over that magical mark have started to flow back into the alt scene. I'll talk about that more in a bit.

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

Do you think that the $100,000 mark for Bitcoin will be one of those things people remember like where they were on 9/11, where they were when one of the space shuttles blew up, or where they were when Kennedy was assassinated? Where were you on December 5th 2024? Or was it December 4th? I don't actually know the exact time it ticked over because I was sleeping!
PeakD Functionality
First things first, is there a difference between Witnesses on Hive and node operators? I would have guessed they were the same thing, but if you look at the lists, there are only about seven node operators to choose from and there are hundreds of witnesses available to vote for, so it must not be the same thing. I stepped out of my normal pattern last weekend and wrote this post to Hive node operators.
Apparently the insanely useful "Favorites" portion of PeakD relies on an extra piece of software that most node operators are not running. I encourage them to install it for all of our sakes. If there is a good reason why they shouldn't, I encourage one of them to explain it to me in the comments.
Hive Advent Calendar
I also wrote this post last weekend implementing a fun activity for people to participate in while they count down the days to Christmas. Basically I took 25 HIVE and sent it to a person. In turn they keep one HIVE for themselves and then send the rest on. By the time we reach Christmas we should be down to 1 HIVE and the last person gets to keep it.
We are now six days in and so far the participants have been: @silversaver888, @elizabethbit, @jayna, @litguru, @macchiata, @shanibeer.
It doesn't look like the last person has posted in a while, so I am not sure how this is all going to unfold and it also looks like we somehow increased the amount instead of decreasing it, but it is what it is! That last person just might end up with more than a single HIVE on the 25th of December. Merry Christmas!
I'm still mad bullish on the CHEX token from Chintai. I'm fully aware that people on Xitter get pretty worked up about this particular token or that one, but there are a lot of legitimate reasons to be excited about this one. Obviously, you should do your own research and never invest more than you are willing to loose, but many people feel that even at $.56 this token is highly undervalued. It's been on a tear lately and I wanted to share some of the reasons people think that is the case:

I think for me the most exciting part is the fact that CHEX already has licensing through two major regulatory offices. Once things really pick up, other RWA token projects will be scrambling to get the necessary approvals. The fact that CHEX already has them means that they can hit the ground running. I plan on taking some small gains if CHEX hits the $1 to $2 mark. After that, I just plan to hold on for the ride. $10 per token and above would be absolutely life changing for me.
For the longest time I felt like I was the only one beating the drum for Nuscale Energy Stock (Ticker SMR). In recent days I have finally started to see some articles in my news feed talking about them. The fact that they are starting to be mentioned in some of the big outlets is good news I think. I came across this article and it sounds like SMR is on the precipice of either becoming really huge or falling to the wayside.
Having bought in at about $10 per share, I plan to just ride it out. With the current price over $25 last I checked, I'm not sure it would be smart move to put anymore money into the stock. I do hope one of those partnerships and approvals goes through for them. It would be an even nicer bump to my traditional portfolio.
Treasure Hunt
Finally, I wanted to close this week with this article I read about a man named Jon Collins-Black who did quite well in the crypto markets earning millions of dollars. Using some of that money, he decided to write a book called "There's Treasure Inside" which gives clues to find the location of five treasure chests that he has hidden across the United States.
The chests include treasures with a combined total of $2 million dollars. Some of it is gems, I am sure some of it is precious metals, and then there are collectors items like Olympic gold medals and other items (probably a bit of crypto in there too).
Anyone up to join me on a treasure hunt?
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