Crafting the Perfect Comment: Redux

in Discovery-it7 days ago


A long long long time ago when I was first getting started on HIVE, I wrote a post about "crafting the perfect comment". I remember at the time, it was one of the first posts I ever wrote that got a decent amount of of upvotes. I was still pretty new to the blockchain and I didn't understand how the bid bots worked yet.

While other people were posting photos of their lunch or their dog and making hundreds of dollars on them, the posts of my dog and my food were falling pretty flat. Flat at zero to be honest. I was earning virtually nothing. Certainly not enough to make it worth it. Especially living in the US where a dollar doesn't buy you much of anything anymore.

Eventually, the bid bots began to get phased out and I started to understand how the ecosystem actually worked. It became pretty apparent to me that engagement was key if you weren't lucky enough to have a whale in your pocket. I started focusing my efforts on commenting. Even back then comment spam was a thing and I also realized that crafting a quality comment was going to be key to my success on the blockchain.

Now, seven years and 58,612 comments later, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I am doing. I might not be the biggest account on HIVE, but I do okay for myself and I think a lot of that can be attributed to my commenting.


The number of low effort responses on HIVE actually amazes me a little bit. It's not that hard to write a thoughtful comment with a bit of "meat" to it. Sadly, now that we have AI to contend with, it has only gotten a bit worse. The thing is, your two word comment probably isn't even going to register with the original poster, so why even bother. There are a few exceptions, but I will get to those in a second.

Ask Questions

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to write comments that ask questions. The original poster obviously considers themself a bit of an expert at the subject they posted on. At the very least it interests them, so it only stands to reason that they would love to talk about it more. Asking follow up questions gives them the ability to add stuff they may have left out of the original post due to forgetfulness or the fear of making their post too long.

It also opens the lines of communication between yourself and them so that hopefully you can have future conversations. The key point being that hopefully you establish an online friendship or at the very least a mutual respect that will perhaps one day be reflected in upvotes.

It doesn't always happen, and that's okay. If you like the content though, keep doing what you are doing. I don't feel everything on HIVE should be tied to upvotes. Sometimes we just appreciate what someone has to say and we don't need anything in return for it. The one thing you have to remember is that bigger accounts or accounts that have been on the platform for a long time probably have a lot on their plates. Although it's a small blockchain, HIVE is a big place and if users were to split their time evenly, it would be a full time job. Some of us already have one of those and this is just a hobby. If it gets to be too much like work, we might just up and leave!


Be Real

Believe it or not, people can tell when you are being fake. It doesn't take too much to be genuine and real. If you can't make a comment that you actually mean, it's best just to move along. Trust me, if someone writes a post and you don't comment on it, they aren't going to remember that at all. However, if they make a post and you make a comment that the know is obviously fake, that will likely stick with them for some time.

Trust me, I have been guilty of this myself, I'm not putting myself on a pedestal as some beacon of virtue. I'm just saying, be real. It will take you a lot further than being fake.

Keep It Simple

This one might be a bit controversial. There are likely some folks out there who don't mind really long comments on their posts. I'm not one of them though. It's definitely a fine line between writing a two word spam comment and writing a comment that is just as long or longer than the original post.

I get some people are just wordy. I also get that some people get excited about the particular topic. You have to remember though that your comment probably isn't the only one we have to read. Try to find a good balance of commenting without going overboard. You have to figure what's best for you on your own, good luck!

The Exceptions

If you have built up a relationship with the original poster or you are about five comments deep into an active comment "thread", then simple one or two word responses are acceptable. For example, after a lively exchange back and forth with someone, I think it is fully acceptable to just reply with an "lol". You have to earn it though!

Finally, and this one might be controversial as well... Try to avoid summarizing the original post in your comment. It's absolutely okay to ask for clarification or to quote a piece of the post in your comment, but if you are just re-writing the post, it's honestly a little annoying. I'm not sure why someone people do this, but I wonder if it might be one of a couple reasons.

Perhaps they are doing that to show that they actually read the post. I can appreciate that, but I also think you can do that by asking questions about specific aspects of the post. On the other hand, it's possible it might be some kind of language barrier thing. I'm not really sure on that one. If that is the case, I understand, but I still think there has to be a better way to accomplish the same thing.

Perhaps someone has some insight on that.

As I said in the opening, this isn't the first post I have written about commenting. It probably won't be the last either. Successful folks on the blockchain have really learned the art of crafting and leveraging comments to help grow their account.

With a little work, you can too!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


I built my presence here through commenting. I'm on 70k :) I always try to add something to the conversation. Asking questions is a great way to keep it going.

I don't actually get that many one or two word comments and it could be much worse. Another platform I used was plagued by 'Nice post' comments. What makes me laugh is when people try to tell me what my post means, e.g. 'Running is good for you'. Well duh!

I see a lot of posts that deserve more comments. There are music posts and comics that took a lot of effort to produce and they get little feedback. We need to support the sort of content that could bring in a bigger audience. I'm amazed my ramblings do so well, but then some people will just be fishing for votes :)

BTW I think the comment rewarder is a good way to give back to those who engage.

I have been using commentrewarder a bit more on my alt account. I haven't fully integrated it into my main account yet. You are definitely one of the examples to follow on here.

Your comment is upvoted by @topcomment

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I agree with you completely, engagement is really the key to be successful here. When I started I likewise wasn't earning anything. Figuring out how things really work takes time, and I think that's why so many "newbies" lost interest and walk away. I'm glad I stuck with it, and I've met some great friends along the way, you included.

Language barriers I have seen too, but some people just don't bother to read. I've been guilty of that when I'm in a rush to get out the door. I did like the KISS rule, keep it simple stupid... although you probably left off the last "s" for good reason! lol

Yes, I have met so many great people here. It is pretty amazing.

Your comment is upvoted by @topcomment

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Great thoughts on commenting. Engagement is what has helped my account grow, at least in my opinion. I might not have a lot of followers, but do get some decent engagement. Not tarazkp stuff, but maybe some day. I find that just trying to have a normal conversation like I would if I was there in person with the individual is how I comment. Sometimes it is one sentence, sometimes it is a couple of paragraphs. Sometimes it turns into a vconversation totally unrelated to the post :-)

I don't think I could handle the kind of action that Tarazkp gets. I'd be more than overwhelmed if I were to get more than a dozen or so comments per post. I'd likely burn myself out because I would do my best to keep up with them.

oh I know, I don't know how he writes how he does, works and then responds to the comments.

Comments are where I leave my best joke, memes and gifs

I do on occasion as well.

That's funny. Every person I have brought to HIVE I give them the same advice. Comment, comment, comment, nobody's gonna read your post. But they will read your comment. None of them have listened.None of them are active anymore...


That's too bad. It definitely takes a lot of work to be successful minus a few outliers.

You excel at engagement! I always look forward to your comments on my posts. There are a handful of people I've connected with on Hive that always leave thoughtful and engaging comments. Nothing irks me more on this platform than comments from people fishing for upvotes who clearly haven't even taken the time to read the posts. I have to fight the urge to leave snarky relies sometimes. Recently I made the mistake of looking at post analytics on PeakD and was saddened by how few people take the time to read posts...they're in the minority. People who don't take the time to authentically engage are missing out on the best feature of Hive, new friendships.

Yeah, it can be a lot more than people are willing to commit to. I get that. It's definitely not an easy thing to be involved in. Anything that is worth it takes time and effort. The days of vote buying and making a quick buck are gone. You have to care about it now.

True. Life can be demanding but, as you've said, anything this valuable requires time and effort. It's definitely a different platform that it was a few years ago!

For sure!

You got a lot of comments here...I hesitate to add to it :))

I usually only comment when I have something to say. Sometimes I do comment to a 'friend', but then it's again as you say, we have a relationship (online) and a few words do it.

My blogging and my comments come from the same well: If something genuinely interests me, I'll write something. Otherwise, I'm wasting the blogger's time and my time.

Good post. I hope newbies especially read it.

Thank you! I hope they read it as well. I think it's pretty sound advice even if you tweak it a little bit. I'm probably the same, I don't really comment on stuff that doesn't look interesting unless I have a prior relationship with the person.

I am closing in on 50k comments in three and a half years. The majority of those were in the first 18 months I think.
You made great points which is pretty much what I do.
The one thing you do find is the engagers. You being a perfect example as I think I have said more than once.

A great read for anyone, whether a newbie or selfproclaimed expert.

And this is the second comment today I have written to you @bozz in the wrong account haha

Thanks, I appreciate that! It's definitely been a journey and a lot of work to get here. It does make it easier when you find a good group of people who always put out good content.

Oh yes, like minds attract and all that good stuff!

Voy por buen camino entonces🥳 @bozz gracias por el consejo👏 saludos y bendiciones 🙏

That's great to hear! Good luck!

Gracias hermano por el apoyo 👍 Bendiciones 🙏

Those are sone useful tips! I agree with you that commenting is really important for a social media platform.
I remember when I started blogging on Hive I was enthousiastic about the rewards, but none of my blogs received human replies, which was quite disappointing.
Engagement is key, but yet not rewarded that much. Unless you are replying on a blog from a hiver with a high stake. That is often why they do get a lot of comments.

I've started the @topcomment initiative last December. I've started this curation initiative to reward quality comments only.
Were still growing, but we already have a $0.20 upvote thanks to delegations and some people follow the trail.
I hope this encourages people to engage more in the comment sections.

That's awesome. I usually upvote anyone that I reply to or that replies to me. It's a little something I decided to start doing to give back a bit. It's not much, but it shows my appreciation.

Cool! I also do that for engaging comments, but not eveyone has enough stake for the $0.02 threshold.

By the way; you can nominate comments for an upvote by mentioning @topcomment
Our team will check out the comment and upvote if the comment complies wuth our 'rules'.

Saludos @bozz

Soy nueva en HIVE, Valoro que te tomes el tiempo para escribir sobre el tema, me parece súper interesante.


Thank you! I am glad you found it helpful! I hope it can help you grow here!

Well guess am on the track i just have to add a littlt of your sauce to it. how many months did you start seeing result engaging?

It probably took at least six if not more. If you have a lot of time on your hands you can scroll through my profile all the way back to 2017 to see my activity.

hmmm ok will do that but am curious when commenting should is it advisable to focus on a specific group of people or go vast ?

Whatever interests you to be honest.

ok noted with thanks

As I read your points, I'm surprised (not surprised) to find you basically restate Dale Carnegie's basic ideas given in How to Win Friends and Influence People. Funny how that 1936 advice is still just as accurate today as it was back then.

Oh really? I have never read the book or taken any of the classes. I know my brother in law went through the whole thing. He can work a room though. I definitely can not. I wish I was a better at socializing. I guess at the very least I wish I could translate my online social skills to real life!

That's a GREAT book. Notice the CAPS? That wasn't a accident..

Great post 😂

You know, we can keep on writing about these things one hundred times, and there will be people who still don't get it even if they read it every one hundred times. What you've written is clear and straight to the point, not difficult to understand tbh, and it only takes people a few minutes to read a post, then maybe a few more minutes to digest and respond. It only takes less than 10 minutes, but many still can't be bothered.

Thank you! It's definitely something that we are going to need to keep touching on as more and more people join the platform. I think it's always good to give them an idea of what it actually takes to be successful.

"58,612 comments" wow that's amazing!-"/7y=8373/12m=698/30.5d=23 daily comment"- for the quotes & the long comments part i agree with ur reasoning- i think how long a comment can b should b proportional with the length of the post itself like no more than 10%-15% or so. have a great day

It's definitely been a journey! I can agree with that. 100 words might not be too bad for a 1000 word post. I think I would lean closer to 5% to 10%, but that's my personal preference.

I think engagement is the best tool we have for growing our accounts! Making friends by actually talking to each other is the best opportunity to grow here. I love that I have friends all around the world! I'm reblogging this and promoting it on Ecency.

Thank you, I appreciate it. I totally agree too. It's mind blowing to think I have people I can regularly connect with all over the world!

Wow, that's very interesting, I am just started with Hive and I am wondering how did you earn that now, you already have a decent earnings in each post you made. It is more than with what a minimum wage earner here in the Philippines.

Aside from crafting a good comments, engaged in the community, any friendly advice to help me earn decent amount of money posting here on hive.

It's been a long road. Building your stake definitely makes a difference. I know that some people are relying on HIVE to make a living, but you can still do that while growing your stake. It's going to pay off down the road. Too many people take all their rewards out of the system and convert them to cash. You are basically stunting your own growth when you do that.

I would not take any of my earning here on HIVE until I reach to the point that I am not able to work anymore. I consider these as my retirement fund someday.

Sounds like a great plan!

If earning is your primary objective on Hive you will get you nowhere here.

My first objective is to get inform about blockchain and what is new. And second, I would be a hypocrite if I tell you guys I am not interested in earning some money. Of course I do, who doesn't like money. Yes, I want to earn a decent amount of HIVE for staking and will become a source of passive income days, ahead. That is when I am not able to go out and work. Maybe, that will be next 30 years from now.

Going on 57K comments is certainly respectable! I kind of miss ash's engagement league that made it all a bit of fun!

We have continued the tradition on Ecency and give out weekly prizes to top commenters!

Ah good to know!

Yeah, I agree with you there! I remember making the lists a few times!

Great highlight of how important building relationships and interactions are on this platform (as in life!). I'm one that often needs reminders on this, as I get busy and tend to skip commenting sometimes, or make it much shorter than my actual thoughts just to save time.

Keep up the good posts!

Thanks, I appreciate it! Time is definitely a premium commodity here on HIVE. If I didn't have the job I do, I likely wouldn't be nearly as active.

Yes, that darn work thing. I just started a new gig 2 months ago. It's a long and very detailed on-boarding for me given the scope. Should settle down a bit in another month or so, but definitely drinking from the firehose of information for so long leaves me a bit burnt out for other things right now.

Looking forward to getting settled into a new routine with a bit more personal balance soon.

Best of luck with that! Getting your feet under you can often be a bit tricky!

🥰l really enjoyed reading your write-up it's wonderful

Thank you!

Welcome dear

Welcome dear 😊

Great post! I like the tip of asking questions, not all posts lead to that though like your post for example, it is just very self explanatory and well written :)

And asking a question where you don't really have one is not being real, also I almost never reply to Taraz poems, not because I don't think they are good, I just don't understand poetry. Every one has limitations, that is one of mine. But at least I am being real.

Fair enough. I think it is a good place to start though for the people who do struggle to come up with reasonable replies to posts. So many of them are just low effort trash. It's all about building blocks.

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