When Love Meets Lust.

in Q Inspired-by-Music11 months ago



Listening to songs on shuffle has never been my thing. Instead, I download loads of songs that I resonate with and each time I listen to them, they follow a single file. Eventually, it gets to a point where I know each song that precedes another on my playlist. This was fun while it lasted, until I decided to try out the ‘shuffle’ option.

One main reason why I disliked shuffling my songs was because songs that I did not like listening to would emerge on the top and I was always forced to skip them as they obstructed the flow. Eventually, I found a music app that just knows the right song to play next when the shuffle option is turned on. This music application has been the game changer for me.

A few days ago, while I was listening to some songs, one masterpiece shuffled its way up on my playlist and immediately, I was jubilant. This song is one of those songs I listened to while growing up, not because I understood its lyrics but because of its beats. The rhythm from beginning to end is incredibly captivating.

I can remember moving every time the song came up and if I'm being honest, I still groove to the pulsating beats of the song. The beats were my concern until I grew to understand its lyrics. Only then did it all make sense.

Your Love Is Wicked by Brick and Lace is the masterpiece that I speak of. This song was released in 2007 and it quickly became an anthem. It is a vibrant and infectious dancehall that captivates listeners with its catchy beat and memorable lyrics. One thing I like about this piece is the variation in vocals, creating an effortless blend between reggae and R&B.



Generally, the song chimes about the themes of betrayal, desire, love and lust by extension. It creates a picture of a scenario where one cannot just leave a person even when they know that the person isn't just right for them. Instead, they endure, hoping that the individual in question will reform their ways. But this is where the mistake lies. People do not up and change without a valid reason and in cases when the one party constantly takes the other party for granted, changing gets even harder.

Coincidentally, a novel that I am currently reading tells the same exact tale. A lady, Sawyer, Knows deep down that the gentleman in question, Enzo, is a cancer to her entirety but she just cant resist the young man. ‘Does it hurt’ is a really interesting novel which I shall be reviewing soon.

Overall, “Your love is Wicked” is an outstanding track that showcases Brick and Lace’s talent as singers and songwriters too. With its infectious beat, memorable hook and powerful vocal, it's no wonder this song remains a hit even after so many years have gone by.


All images used belong to me and were taken with my mobile device except stated otherwise.

Love and Light🤍


Some people find it hard to let go, even knowing the truth about their lover. They fear what may become of them and continue living such a life in silence.

I danced well to this song in my group. Hehe, my sister and I would practice with it as well, and it is very fun because the song got all the vibe.

It has allll the vibes and it's a lovely relic😄

Thank you so much for reading 😀

You are welcome

Oh men! I loved this jam when it was released, still as refreshing as ever, let me go download it again, thanks for taking me back to the good vibes.

You are most welcome..

I still don't understand why someone will keep hanging on to another person that they know can't reciprocate their feelings but rather hurts them again and again. Things about love are deep.

Oh My God! Can't believe you brought this piece back🥺. it was literally one of my favourite while growing up back then. The beats resonates with my soul, or rather, 'our souls.'

Beautiful 💯✨

That was a fun song. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

You are most welcome.