Hello friends of this community,today has been awesome and i had a little time to create something.
It makes me so happy whenever I have time to create something.
So,i saw this old jean and i thought of what i could do with it.
Luckily for me,a thought came to my mind and i thought of making a mini bag.
In diyhub i have learnt that nothing is wasteful.
I personally,i have tried to stretch my imagination and to make use of anything and everything.
So, i decided to cut this pair of jean and turn it into something better.
Here are the few materials i used.
- Scissors
- thread and needle
- pearl beads
First step
The first thing i did was to cut the fabric into two pieces i took one side of it because i needed a to work with a smaller size of it.
The next step i took was to turn to the rough side of the fabric.
and I started sewing
And it was quite easier for me became the two sides didn't need sewing just the bottom of it.
Next step
After sewing through it, i turned to the right side of it for beading.
I got seven pieces of pearl beads and i went ahead to create a flower design on it.
Next step
After finishing the flower design,i took more pearl beads and fixed them sparingly on the bag. Using thread and needle.
Next step
For the handle, seriously i know know what the white material is called, it's just like a hard paper.
I saw it somewhere in my old Collections and i decided to keep it.
Knowing that someday somehow I'll need it when doing diy.
But you can choose any materials of your choice.
I would even prefer an old shoe lace.
Because in diy nothing is wasteful.
So,i attached it on the bag and i sewed through it firmly.
And finally here is the mini bag
I hope you like it.
Thank you