Turning Old Books into Unique Floral Display 📖💐❤️💯

in DIYHublast year

Hello Diy Lovers....Trust you all are doing fine?
Yesterday, I found myself staring at a blank wall, longing to infuse it with a touch of creativity.


With a spark of inspiration, i decided to breathe new life into my old textbooks, gathering them from dusty shelves and forgotten corners. As I flipped through the pages, memories flooded back late-night study sessions, scribbled notes, and moments of academic triumph.

But I wasn't content with simply displaying my textbooks as they were. Instead, i envisioned a fusion of intellect and beauty. With delicate hands, I carefully folded some parts of the pages, to form a design with it. These pages are, once filled with equations and theories, now became canvases for my creativity.

Next, i ventured into my compound where vibrant blooms danced in the sunlight. With a gentle touch, I took flowers of various hues and shapes, each holding its own story of resilience and growth.

Returning to my room, I began to arrange my flowers alongside the textbooks. it was a symphony of intellect and nature.

Old text books
Glue brush




Procedures Required
Firstly, I cleared the wall using broom, I took the textbooks and folded the middle in such a way that the flowers can stay firm.

Next, For each flip of the text books I folded, I applied glue at the tip, and fold down. I did same repeatedly on all the text books.

Lastly, I used brush and apply glue on the outer cover page of each text books, and glue them to the wall, afterwards, I pick my flowers and began to fix them into the folded part of the text books just as shown on the images below 👇



Aunt can't help but take a picture with me 😍

As I stepped back to admire my handiwork, i felt a sense of fulfillment wash over me. The wall, once dull and uninspired, now radiated with warmth and character. It was a testament to my ingenuity and love for beauty in unexpected places.

Since then, i found comfort in my corner of creativity, where old textbooks and flowers converged to tell a story of transformation and imagination

Thanks for visiting my Blog 🙏♥️💯


I've noticed that you are very active here.
I would be delighted if you would participate in @caleb-marvel upcoming Competition. Exciting prizes and cool people await you there.

I would love to be part of it💃

nice job, i like.

Thank you 😊🙏💯

The wall art is brilliant, the photo with aunt, super nice

Thank you real well 🙏💯

This is amazing dear, the art wall is looking awesome

Thanks dear 🥰💐

You're welcome!!

Oh that looks so nice @oboh! I have never seen something so creative and beautiful before! I really love it how you added the flowers, it just makes the piece a little more spacial. :) Here is your joke of the day! Why are spiders so smart?

They can find everything on the web.
