Hey friend... It's a lovely weekend and I'm back in business. I traveled last week Thursday 21/12/2023 to spend Christmas with my Expended families. They were all happy to see me after a long time.
I enjoyed my stay. Every moments with them was awesome. On Christmas Eve 24/12/2023 we got different food stuffs, baking stuff wasn't exempted. Knowing fully well my cousins love sharwama, I got stuffs I needed so as to serve them sharwama as breakfast on Christmas day 25/12/2023.
We visited some shopping malls, tourist centers, game houses, watch films, cook different delicacies....i ate ate ate. Till i realized i was getting fatter and wealthier in size.
I started engaging into physical exercises because i never saw myself growing fat. I mind the types of food i consume and and cut down from eating junks.
Thinking back, I realized it's been about family, friends, customers e.t.c. I deserve a gift too😊
I deserve to look good too. I rushed quickly to a bead store to purchase gold classic bead and crystal blue bead.
I brought it home... thought of several ideas on what to create with it and an idea popped up my mind. I never saw a necklace like this...but here it's.
I choose gold & blue because they are my favorite colors.
I brought it home... thought of several ideas on what to creative with it and an idea popped up my mind. I never saw a necklace like this...but here it's
Prior to this time, each time I wear necklace, I always experience heat rashes round my neck. For that reason, I detest wearing necklace. I prefer my neck been free. But, whenever I see it on people, I admire it alot. People advice me to go consistent with necklace, that if I do, the reaction will stop.
I'm starting with my handmade necklace.
Materials Needed
- Gold classic bead
- Crystal stone bead
- Plier
- Stopper
- Fishline
- Blade
Step 1
I got my fishline, put ten crystal blue bead, then cross with the classic gold bead and drag it
Step 2
At the left hand side of the fishline, I added ten crystal blue bead, then one classic gold bead
Step 3
I added ten crystal blue bead, and one classic gold bead... I continue same way till i got my desired length.
Step 4
Step 5
I took the stopper, insert into the fishline, then put the necklace hook and connect them and drag in order to merge the fishline and the stopper using the plier. Then blade to cut the reminding fishline
Step 6
I applied the same method was repeated at the right hand side of the fishline.
It's a great feeling sharing my experience with you Hivers.... Enjoy the new year....and catch full fun as much as you could.
Thanks for your time on my page , I'm grateful 🙏