*As I sit in the humble rickshaw, its rhythmic creaks and sways transport me not just through the streets of Rangpur but also through the corridors of time. Sixteen years ago, I bid farewell to this city to pursue dreams and ambitions, embarking on a journey that has woven a tapestry of change. Yet, as the rickshaw navigates the familiar lanes, it's not the city that has transformed, but I!!
The Unchanged Facade: A Walk Down Memory Lane
Rangpur, nestled in the northern folds of Bangladesh, maintains its languid pace. The city, while not immune to the march of progress, still dons the cloak of a bygone era in its old quarters. As I pass through narrow streets, each cobblestone seems to whisper stories of my childhood. The houses, though weathered by time, stand as stoic witnesses to the passage of years.
The dilapidated yet enduring charm of the city's old structures evokes a sense of nostalgia. The scent of antiquity hangs in the air, intermingling with the distant calls of street vendors and the laughter of children at play. It's a journey back to a time when life was simpler, days were longer, and worries were confined to the boundaries of youthful innocence.
A Pause at the President's House: Where History Meets Present
As the rickshaw meanders through the labyrinthine alleys, I find myself in front of the 80's President's House – a symbol of power and history. The imposing structure, unchanged in its architectural grandeur, evokes memories of school trips and hasty glances through its ornate gates. It stands as a testament to the city's historical significance and offers a glimpse into the tapestry of the nation's past.
A dog standing on the wall!
I linger for a moment, contemplating the changes that the house has witnessed, both within its walls and beyond. The echoes of my youth reverberate against the backdrop of this stately edifice, grounding me in the reality that while I've traversed varied landscapes, Rangpur remains an unwavering anchor to my identity.
A City in Motion: Beyond Still Frames
While the old city whispers tales of yesteryears, Rangpur is not frozen in time. The rickshaw takes me through avenues that epitomize progress – bustling markets, contemporary structures, and vibrant street life. It's a reminder that cities, like people, evolve. The once-familiar landmarks now share space with modern counterparts, reflecting the perpetual dance of urbanity.
As the rickshaw traverses these contrasting realms, I realize that the heart of my hometown beats with a dual rhythm – one that harmonizes with tradition and another that resonates with the cadence of modernity. It's a city in flux, caught between the
Journey Through the Shadows of Remembrance: A Visit to the Graveyard
The rickshaw continues its leisurely journey, eventually leading me to the graveyard where my father is resting. This sacred ground, a repository of memories and silent conversations, draws me in with an invisible force. Here lie the remnants of the past, the souls of those who shaped the narrative of my upbringing.
The headstones and sepulchers bear witness to the transience of life. It's a poignant moment – a communion with the ethereal as I offer silent gratitude to the person who, in life, guided my footsteps and, in death, became a part of the city's collective memory.
Leaving, Yet Carrying Rangpur Within
The rickshaw ride through my hometown, while a mere interlude, encapsulates the essence of Rangpur. It's a city where time seems to have laid a gentle hand, preserving the cradle of my past. Each turn, each familiar sight, rekindles the embers of childhood, a time when the world was smaller, and dreams were painted on the canvas of innocence.
As I prepare to bid adieu to Rangpur once again, I carry within me not just the images captured by the rickshaw's journey but the intangible warmth of a city that remains unchanged in its ability to evoke sentiments.