Yesterday was my grandson's promotion to first grade, it was called life is a carnival, so there were many balloons and masks, everything looked very beautiful, many emotions for me and although I could not attend because there were 3 people per student, the third person had to be my husband, that was not in discussion, my husband is my grandson's hero, for him his grandfather is everything, the one who spoils him, the one who bathes him, dresses him, makes his food, takes him for a walk, to school and is always aware of his needs, it is very nice to see the relationship of love and friendship that exists between the two is unique, with the grandfather he shares his trinkets😆😆😆😆.
Yo lo disfrute a través de las fotos que de vez en cuando me mandaban mi hija y mi esposo y me sentí muy feliz de ver lo hermoso que se veía con su traje hawaiano hecho por mi, se veía muy guapo mi pequeño tesoro y verlo tan feliz fue muy satisfactorio para mi.
Después del acto vinieron a casa para que yo lo viera y viera como se veía con el traje que le hice y con el cotillon y diploma que le dieron.
Solo pido a Dios verlo crecer sano y fuerte junto a sus hermanos y disfrutar cada paso que de en la vida.
Ser abuela es una gran bendición
I enjoyed it through the pictures that my daughter and my husband sent me from time to time and I was very happy to see how beautiful he looked with his Hawaiian suit made by me, he looked very handsome my little treasure and to see him so happy was very satisfying for me.
After the ceremony they came to the house for me to see him and see how he looked with the suit I made him and with the cotillion and diploma they gave him.
I just pray to God to see him grow up healthy and strong with his siblings and enjoy every step he takes in life.
Being a grandmother is a great blessing.
Espero verlos pronto en un próximo post, gracias por su visita y apoyo.
Use Deelp translator, baner hecho en canva, use cool text.
Hope to see you soon in a next post, thanks for your visit and support.
Use Deelp translator, banner made in canva, use cool text.