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RE: Will AI Adopt Sci-Fi Laws of Robotics?

in Humanitas6 months ago

I read a lot of Asimov and some Arthur C Clarke as a kid. They foresaw some things that are just happening now. I do wonder if robots can be taught rules they have to obey as the systems these days use learning algorithms that can make mistakes. I wonder if the machine learning could be combined with some hard rules to do no harm. Some of the 'AI' makes suggestions that could be dangerous, but how will they know that? I think Asimov went into some of this as he featured a robot psychologist.

We live in the proverbial interesting times.


So did I - I recall covering one of the Clark's novels in what we call "Reader's Notebook" when I was a second grader. My teacher summoned my parents for a meeting, questioning them if it was suitable reading for a kid of my age :) It indeed was :P

I believe I've read about robot psychology too, but it's been ages :))

Interesting times, that's another British author, though. Sounds like a Discworld novel to me :P

I've read most Pratchett and he is also insightful. He did not write much about technology, but he knew how people think.

I believe he actually wrote a lot about technology in his late novels which cover industrialization of Ank Morpork. True, it's often outdated tech from our point of view, yet these books are kind of counterpart ro Dicken's novels. They cover the same topics, in a realistic manner in one case and with a satiric imaginatory mockery in the other. Well, that's how I percieve it myself ;)
